urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn Club Crimsyn The 'Y' Makes It Hip Club Crimsyn 2010-03-03T20:17:22Z urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:18856 Snacks - Two Shirts for Unisex Toddlers 2010-03-03T20:17:07Z 2010-03-03T20:17:22Z traveling son - ego likeness <center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/snacks/zombiesnack.jpg"></center><br /><br />I feel really weird making toddler clothes (I dislike children; they freak me out at pretty much any age), but I did these more or less for personal use and thought I'd toss them up here just for the hell of it.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/18856.html#cutid1">One more preview shoved into the toy chest...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />The textures are 100% EAxis; all I did was change the control on the zombie shirt and make an overlay for the dingo shirt. Cower at my awesome skills. Zombie Snack design from Think Geek; Dingo Snack design from Glarkwear.<br /><br />They're unisex, so both boys and girls can wear them.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/snacks/snacks.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>