urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsynClub CrimsynThe 'Y' Makes It HipClub Crimsyn2010-06-01T06:18:56Zurn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:30306Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set Four2010-06-01T06:18:56Z2010-06-01T06:18:56Zthe explanation at the center of it all - ego likeness<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/title4.jpg" height="560" width="700"></center><br /><br />Even more more default replacement hair textures. This set has four female and two male styles.<br /><br />Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made on when I'll actually get around to making them (I do plan to retexture <i>all</i> the base game meshes at some point).<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/30306.html#cutid1">My muscles break when I split in two because I can't stay here with you...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. The rushing in of ghosts and shards of disbelief rammed into my head. The way I break the mirrors now.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/Default Hair Set Four.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:29957Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set Three2010-05-31T02:05:38Z2010-05-31T02:08:26Zi'm not mary ann - ego likeness<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/title3.jpg" height="560" width="700"></center><br /><br />Even more default replacement hair textures. This set has four female and two male styles.<br /><br />Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made on when I'll actually get around to making them (I do plan to retexture <i>all</i> the base game meshes at some point).<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/29957.html#cutid1">Dear Sir, I know I asked for this...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. I think we're both confused; there's been too much too soon, disguised as something beautiful.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/Default Hair Set Three.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:29773Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set Two2010-05-28T22:05:57Z2010-05-29T02:00:33Zrock this town - stray cats<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/title2.jpg" height="560" width="700"></center><br /><br />More default replacement hair textures. This set has four male and two female styles. I'd originally done a couple other female styles, but once I got them in game, they looked a little silly so I'll be fixing those up and releasing them later.<br /><br />Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made on when I'll actually get around to making them (I do plan to retexture <i>all</i> the base game meshes at some point).<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/29773.html#cutid1">There's a real square cat, he looks nineteen seventy four...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. You look at me once, you look at me twice, you look at me again there's gonna be a fight.<br /><br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/Default Hair Set Two.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:29599Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set One2010-05-27T01:43:12Z2010-05-27T01:43:31Ztrue faith - new order<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />You know, most of the default hair meshes that came with TS3 aren't really all that bad. I decided that I really love the hair texture I came up with, so I thought I'd start working it onto the base game meshes that are more or less just taking up space for me at this point.<br /><br />I wasn't really sure how to get previews of these, but trust me that they really do look good in all natural colors. I've done four male and two female hairs so far, and do have plans to tackle several more before all is said and done. Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made that I'll actually get around to fixing them up.<br /><br />I did an alpha edit of the male 'emo' hair, and have included that as a bonus of sorts. I have a thing for partially shaved hairstyles, ok?!<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/29599.html#cutid1">The chances are we've gone too far...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. Our valued destiny comes to nothing. I can't tell you where we're going; I guess there's just no way of knowing.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/hair/Default Hair Set One.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:29380Sugar - Modified Base Game Hair for Males2010-05-24T23:10:38Z2010-05-25T03:28:50Z<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/sugar/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />When TS3 was first released, I messed around with one of the hairs just to see how things worked. Back then, it was a default replacement and used the game's textures, and was generally just very experimental. I spent some time last week getting it fixed up with a new texture and a LOD 1 and 2 that actually match LOD 0, and now I'm releasing it into the wild. Fly free, little hair! Fly free!<br /><br />Er... anyway... it's available for Teen-Elder males, and is a stand-alone mesh.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/29380.html#cutid1">Sweet boy if they find you out...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want, just keep it off paysites and don't claim you made it. Textures were originally by Sims2Heaven, but heavily edited by me. Don't say morning's come, don't say it's up to me.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/sugar/Aikea Guinea - MHair - ShortFeatherCowlick Edit.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:29003Self Deception - Zipper-Detailed Pants for Teen and Adult Males2010-05-24T22:57:48Z2010-05-25T04:02:15Z<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/self/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />I was staring blankly at a bunch of the CC I'd made for TS2 when I came across some plaid pants with zippers on them. I really liked them, so I decided to make a version for TS3. Yes, I realize my preview pictures use a striped pattern on them instead of plaid.<br /><br />These are for Teen-Adult (<s>maybe elder? I can never remember if I check that box or not</s> no, not for elders), are available for Everyday, Formal, and Career, and have four preset styles.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/29003.html#cutid1">Taken too far out of control...</a> )</b><br /><br />These use base-game meshes and my textures. Do whatever you want, but no paysites and no pretending you made them. Life turned to night as you're asleep, blood flowing down, is this a dream?<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/self/Aikea Guinea - ZipperPants - Base.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:28715Default Replacement Tank Tops for Males2010-05-18T05:41:16Z2010-05-18T06:33:53Zafter all (svenson & gielen mix) - delerium<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/mtanks/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />I did these <i>ages</i> ago and never released them. Good thing, because today I fixed up quite a few issues with the mesh and texture. Better late than never, I suppose.<br /><br />These are a default replacement. They <b>will replace</b> the tank tops already in the game. I slimmed the mesh down (will only affect slimmer sims; does nothing to larger sims) and replaced the texture with one I like a lot better. If you prefer not to have these replace the in-game tank tops, give me a few days as I do plan on making a non-replacement version.<br /><br /><s>These have two color channels, but I failed to get a picture of that; I'll edit this post with one soon.</s> Done.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/28715.html#cutid1">The pictures behind her closed eyes...</a> )</b><br /><br />You should know the drill by now. No paysites, no claiming my work as your own. Otherwise, do whatever. She knows the noises in her mind; nothing's left but screaming silence.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/default/mtanks/Aikea Guinea - Default Replacement AM Slimmer Tank.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:28438ever-present spirit - untucked long-sleeved shirt for males2010-05-18T01:36:32Z2010-05-18T02:13:58Zsouth - ego likeness<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/spirit/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />I'm getting sick of t-shirts, so I modified a base game mesh that wasn't a t-shirt.<br /><br />For young adult and adult males, everyday- and formal-wear, three color channels, four presets, morphs perfectly.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/28438.html#cutid1">I feel your consecrated arms entrap my desecrated soul...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with this, just keep it off paysites and don't claim you made it. You've washed the human sickness off the roots and seeds, and purged my ground of all the evil. You have devastated me.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/spirit/Aikea Guinea - AMTop - LongSleeveUntucked - Basic.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:28336Tutorial - Combining Packages to Ease Lag and Load Time2010-05-14T19:30:11Z2010-05-30T19:56:21Zeverything counts - depeche modeI originally put this tutorial together for <span lj:user='century_eyes' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://century-eyes.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='http://s.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png' alt='[personal profile] ' width='17' height='17' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='http://century-eyes.dreamwidth.org/'><b>century_eyes</b></a></span>, but I thought I'd go ahead and repost it here in case anyone else could get some use out of it.<br /><br />If you primarily use package files for your custom content and have noticed increased load times and/or lag in your game, follow this tutorial to combine your CC into fewer, larger packages to fix the problem.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/28336.html#cutid1">Combining packages...</a> )</b><br /><br />You can combine combined packages, and it's ok to add more things to your combined packages at a later date.<br /><br />I'd suggest instead of making one huge package of all your CC to have four or five, only because when I tried to make a single package things started to blow up. I've got Objects, CAS (hair, clothes, makeup), Patterns, and my own crap as their own packages.<br /><br />I've <b>not</b> combined Default Replacements (never sure if I'll switch those out or something), my hacks, and AM/story progression.<br /><br />Very easy, and holy shit it makes a <i>huge</i> difference. My game now loads as quickly as it did before I had any CC in it, and no longer lags at all.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,17746.0.html">This is the original thread on MATY</a>. Anach has offered up this additional information, which is very useful:<br /><br />1. If you have a merged a mod and wish to update it with a newer version, you will need to re-merge the entire package, or you will usually experience game breakages.<br /><br />2. The game imposes a limit of 200MB on its own merged packages (dbc), however a package can be anysize, and the only limitation is processing time (larger takes longer) and filesystem limits.<br /><br />3. Try to keep your total number of mod packages under 100.<br /><br />4. You can also remove ICON type files (junk files used by sims3pack) and "THUM" (thumbnails) if you wish the game to generate its own thumbnails rather than use the ones provided in the package.<br /><br /><small>(Originally figured out by <s>someone</s> Anach on MATY.)</small>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:28157stumble in my footsteps - square-toed boots for males (dragon)2010-05-13T23:52:52Z2010-05-14T00:01:40Zwalking in my shoes - depeche mode<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/footsteps/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />Just some nice square-toed ankle boots for the boys, with a brand new mesh from me. This particular pair has a cross design on the back with a dragon design on the toe. I forgot how much I enjoy the tediousness of creating all-new meshes and textures!<br /><br />Enabled for young adults, adults, and elders for everyday and formal wear. Three color channels, including the dragon, sole, and... the rest of the shoe. They morph perfectly with all body shapes.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/28157.html#cutid1">I'm not looking for absolution...</a> )</b><br /><br />It's really a pain in the ass to get decent pictures of shoes... :/ These really don't do them very much justice; trust me that they look pretty damned good in-game.<br /><br />Anyway, do whatever you want with these, just keep it off paysites and don't claim you made them. Morality would frown upon, decency look down upon, the scapegoat fate's made of me.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/clothes/footsteps/Aikea Guinea - AMShoes - SquareToeBoot - Dragon.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:27825gelydhMy Name Is No Regret - Fall Out 3 Conversion2010-05-13T22:13:49Z2010-05-13T22:13:49Z<img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/gelydh/objects/fallout3/FallOut3_A.jpg"><br /><br />Made for the GoS <a href="http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=17828.0">monthly theme</a>; go there to download, or snag it <a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/gelydh/objects/fallout3/Gelydh - My Name Is No Regrest - Fall Out 3 Conversions.rar">directly here</a>.urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:27502We Hunger - Bloody Costume Make Up for Males & Females2010-05-13T00:56:37Z2010-05-13T01:11:40Zwe hunger - siouxsie & the banshees<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/makeup/hunger/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />A set of five bloody costume make ups for your less-than-neat vampires. Or non-vampires who like to bite people. Or change the color for bile-oozing zombies. Or... anything else; I won't judge.<br /><br />Enabled for males and females, teen-elder. Found under costume make up and all in one row.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/27502.html#cutid1">Corrosion seeps...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want, keep it off paysites, etc. etc. blah blah. The thirst from a vampire bite fills the emptiness inside, consuming everything green-eyed.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/makeup/hunger/Aikea Guinea - MF Make Up - Blood Splatters.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center><br /><br />Also, <span lj:user='gelydh' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://gelydh.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='http://s.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png' alt='[personal profile] ' width='17' height='17' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='http://gelydh.dreamwidth.org/'><b>gelydh</b></a></span> made us a new itty bitty linky banner dealie. If you want to link to us, <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/20580.html">check it out at the bottom of our sticky post</a>.urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:27308Blinding - Raon 64 For Males with Bosie-Inspired Control2010-05-11T04:26:49Z2010-05-11T04:26:49Zhowl - florence + the machine<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/blinding/title.jpg"></center><br /><br /><a href="http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=2000.0">Bosie did a bitchin' version of this hair for TS2</a>, and I decided I wanted it for TS3, so... here it is. I know there's a conversion of this mesh for females already, but I don't think anyone did a male version. At any rate, even if they did, here it is again.<br /><br />The channels on this are set up so you can have oddly colored bangs if you want, but normal colors look fine as well. You can change the color of the bangs using the Root channel; all other channels remain normal.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/27308.html#cutid1">And all my bones began to shake...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with this, just keep it off paysites (including TSR). Credit to Raon for the original TS2 mesh and textures, and Bosie for the original idea. Extra thanks to TumTum and Cazy for a fix for bad alphas! No more dreaming of the dead as if death itself was undone.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/blinding/Aikea Guinea - MHair - Raon64 BosieControl.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:26973King Jeremy The Wicked - Alpha and Control Edit of TumTum's Anto752010-05-06T23:58:26Z2010-05-07T05:12:45Zjeremy - pearl jam<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/jeremy/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />A random hair for you, which should be perfect for those sims who like to cut their own hair without using a mirror. This is a control and alpha edit of TumTum Simiolino's conversion of Anto 75, available for teen-elder.<br /><br />The channels on this are a bit twisted around, but I did that on purpose. The base channel is still the base channel, as are the highlights, but the 'roots' are now the tips and the 'tips' are the streaks. Now that I've given this more thought, that was a pretty stupid way to do it. Next time it'll make a little more sense.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/26973.html#cutid1">How could I forget..?</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with this, just keep it off paysites (including TSR). Credit to Anto (coolsims.net) for the original TS2 mesh and textures, and TumTum for the brilliant conversion. New alpha and control are by me. Clearly I remember picking on the boy; seemed a harmless little fuck. <br /><br />This is a <b>not a stand-alone file</b>; you <b>must</b> get TumTum's conversion for this to work. This will not overwrite his alpha or control textures, so you'll be able to have the original natural version as well as this one.<br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/jeremy/Aikea Guinea - M Hair - TTS-Antomale75 EDIT.package"><big>DOWNLOAD</big></a><br /><br /><a href="http://mybluebookblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/anto-75-converted-all-ages.html">TumTum's Anto 75 Conversion</a></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:26862PSA2010-05-06T05:05:49Z2010-05-06T05:05:49Zrabbit heart - florence + the machine<a href="http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php">GoS is back online.</a><br /><br />Just thought I'd mention it.urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:26435Putting The Damage On - Two Three-Channel Eyeshadows2010-05-05T05:37:33Z2010-05-05T05:38:19Zprecious things - tori amos<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/makeup/damage/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />After several days of failing at <i>every. single. project.</i> I started, I decided I'd try to fail at some eyeshadow. They didn't turn out half bad, so here you go.<br /><br />There are two three-channel shadows, available for males and females, teen through elder. These blend perfectly with both darker and lighter skintones.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/26435.html#cutid1">now i've got to worry...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, just keep them off paysites (including TSR). Textures, alphas, and controls are all original; please credit if you use any portion of them. I'm trying not to move, it's just your ghost passing through.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/makeup/damage/damage.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:26160Release the Glitch - Artzybasheff's Neurotica Wall Art2010-05-01T02:15:18Z2010-05-01T02:15:18Zlittle lovers so polite - silversun pickups<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/wallwriting/glitch/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />I was going to hold off on releasing these, because I thought people may be getting sick of wall writing/art/graffiti, but... meh. Take it or leave it; doesn't really matter to me.<br /><br />Artwork by the insanely talented Boris Artzybasheff, from his Neurotica series.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/26160.html#cutid1">Can you fall asleep with a panic switch...?</a> )</b><br /><br />Blah blah blah blah blah... I'm waiting and fading and floating away.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/wallwriting/glitch/Aikea Guinea - Object - WallWriting Artzybasheff's Neurotica.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:26028gelydhI Hate Vans - Left 4 Dead Wall Writing2010-04-30T23:07:55Z2010-04-30T23:07:55Z<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/gelydh/objects/IHateVans/l4dwallwriting.jpg"></center><br /><br />A set of twelve various wall writings as seen in the game Left 4 Dead; six are on Aikea's single-tile mesh and six are on her two-tile mesh. I definitely plan on doing more of these, since there's so much interesting graffiti to be found in the game, and I've only used a small amount of it.<br /><br />Like Aikea's wall writing, they can be found under Decorative > Wallhangings and cost $0. Enjoy!<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/26028.html#cutid1">Read more...</a> )</b><br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/gelydh/objects/IHateVans/Gelydh-Object-WallWriting-Left4Dead.rar"><big>DOWNLOAD</big></a></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:25636No Excuses - Silent Hill Street Set2010-04-30T19:20:05Z2010-04-30T19:20:05Zthe summer of our discontent - cowboy junkies<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/silenthill/streetset/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />More Silent Hill conversions, this time the street set. Includes vending machines (five recolors), two sets of newspaper boxes (five recolors between them), a parking meter, and a non-functioning public phone.<br /><br />I <i>was</i> going to release these for the GoS monthly theme, but I'm sure by now we all know why I can't do that just yet.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/25636.html#cutid1">Got no patience to search for peace of mind...</a> )</b><br /><br />Standard Club Crimsyn TOU on these. Original meshes and textures from Silent Hill. Wall writing in previews coming soon. You think it's funny, well you're drowning in it too.<br /><br /><center><big><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/silenthill/streetset/streetset.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:25420Multi-Layerable Graffiti2010-04-27T18:22:30Z2010-04-27T18:22:30Zgrowing old is getting old - silversun pickups<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/wallwriting/comedown/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />This is a set of six multi-layerable graffiti (textures from Silent Hill). They're not CAStable as such, though there is a very small border around the textures that can be recolored to better match whatever wall surface you choose. This is very subtle, and was more by accident than design.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/25420.html#cutid1">when you beg you just complain...</a> )</b> <br /><br />Found under Decorative - Wallhangings, and cost nothing. Do whatever you want with these, blah blah blah so on and so forth, no paysites and don't claim you made them. Love and hate, get it wrong.<br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/wallwriting/comedown/Aikea Guinea - Object - 2-Tile WallWriting - SilentHill Graffiti.rar"><big>DOWNLOAD</big></a></center><br /><br />Now that I've finished these, I'm ready to make a recoloring tutorial for all the wallwriting meshes I've made (though I <i>may</i> have one more version to toss together really quick).urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:25254Silent Hill Conversions2010-04-23T23:19:23Z2010-04-23T23:19:23Zseventy-nine - ego likeness<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/silenthill/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />I uploaded another set for the GoS monthly theme. <a href="http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=17828.msg469123#msg469123">Get more information and the download here</a>, or just <a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/silenthill/silenthill.rar">download the set directly</a>.urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:24703Two-Tile Wall Art - Harry Clarke2010-04-23T01:19:00Z2010-04-23T01:19:22Zsirens and satellites - ego likeness<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/inhuman/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />I made these for TS2, and now I bring them over to TS3. This is a new two-tile version of my wallwriting mesh. Artwork is by Harry Clarke.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/24703.html#cutid1">Now in this strange world, who are the monsters?</a> )</b><br /><br />Found under Decorative -- Wall Hangings, and cost nothing. Do whatever you want with these, just don't claim you made them and keep them off paysites. I am not whole, I am unkind. I'm not like Eve, but I feel fine.<br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/inhuman/Aikea Guinea - Object - 2-Tile WallWriting - HarryClarke.rar"><big>DOWNLOAD</big></a></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:24557Mad Girl - Six Emilie Autumn Lyrical Wall Writings2010-04-20T23:43:11Z2010-04-20T23:43:11Zcorelli - la folia (emilie autumn)<center> <img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/wallwriting/emilieautumn/title.jpg"> </center><br /><br />I've been over-using my other wall writing, so I made some more. This set has Emilie Autumn lyrics.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/24557.html#cutid1">My faith in this world is a bottle of nothing...</a> )</b><br /><br />Found under Decorative - Wall Hangings, and cost nothing. Castable. Do what you want, etc, blah blah, no paysites. The beginning and the end, much closer than they seem.<br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/wallwriting/emilieautumn/Aikea Guinea - Object - WallWriting 02 - Emilie Autumn.rar"><big>DOWNLOAD</big></a></center><br /><br /><b>ALSO NOTE!</b><br /><br />I've updated my first set of wall writings to get rid of an annoying shadow and some extra IMG files in the package. The file is now not only smaller, but also will be much easier to recolor. I plan on putting together a tutorial for that very soon.<br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/objects/wallwriting/Aikea Guinea - Object - WallWriting Psycho 1.rar"><big>DOWNLOAD FIXED ORIGINAL WALL WRITING</big></a></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:24224Peggy 093094 Retexture2010-04-20T18:27:57Z2010-04-20T18:31:21Zbeyond the pale - the mission<center><img src="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/severina/title.jpg"></center><br /><br />I really liked this free hair from Peggy, but the textures were... well... Peggy. I retextured with Liegen's textures and a new control by me.<br /><br />The rar includes ages Toddler-Adult/Elder/Whatever Peggy goes up to. These <i>will</i> replace Peggy's file, as all I did was go in and replace her textures with mine. I feel like I should put a bit of a warning out there about this mesh, just because all four LODs are the high-poly version. It may strain lower-end machines. Just fyi.<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/24224.html#cutid1">Sell me down the river...</a> )</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want, but no paysites, blah blah blah.<br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/ts3/aikea/hair/severina/Aikea Guinea - Peggy 093094 Retexture.rar"><big>DOWNLOAD</big></a></center>urn:lj:dreamwidth.org:atom1:club_crimsyn:23832more whovian goodies to come...2010-04-19T05:07:21Z2010-04-19T05:09:10Zthe figurehead - the cureBy mid-late next week I should have all the bits and pieces for this all set and ready to go. I'm converting a Dalek, but the TS2 mesh I'm working on leaves a lot to be desired, so I'm going to rebuild him. And yes, they'll be recolorable.<br /><br />At any rate, here's another sneak-peek of the Dr. Who dealies I'm working on...<br /><br /><b>( <a href="http://club-crimsyn.dreamwidth.org/23832.html#cutid1">Affirmative, Mistress...</a> )</b>