Club Crimsyn Club Crimsyn - Dreamwidth Studios Tue, 01 Jun 2010 06:18:56 GMT LiveJournal / Dreamwidth Studios club_crimsyn community Club Crimsyn 100 100 Tue, 01 Jun 2010 06:18:56 GMT Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set Four <center><img src="" height="560" width="700"></center><br /><br />Even more more default replacement hair textures. This set has four female and two male styles.<br /><br />Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made on when I'll actually get around to making them (I do plan to retexture <i>all</i> the base game meshes at some point).<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">My muscles break when I split in two because I can't stay here with you...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. The rushing in of ghosts and shards of disbelief rammed into my head. The way I break the mirrors now.<br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Hair Set Four.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center> male hair default replacements female hair the explanation at the center of it all - ego likeness blah public aikea_guinea 3 Mon, 31 May 2010 02:05:38 GMT Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set Three <center><img src="" height="560" width="700"></center><br /><br />Even more default replacement hair textures. This set has four female and two male styles.<br /><br />Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made on when I'll actually get around to making them (I do plan to retexture <i>all</i> the base game meshes at some point).<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Dear Sir, I know I asked for this...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. I think we're both confused; there's been too much too soon, disguised as something beautiful.<br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Hair Set Three.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center> male hair default replacements female hair i'm not mary ann - ego likeness accomplished public aikea_guinea 12 Fri, 28 May 2010 22:05:57 GMT Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set Two <center><img src="" height="560" width="700"></center><br /><br />More default replacement hair textures. This set has four male and two female styles. I'd originally done a couple other female styles, but once I got them in game, they looked a little silly so I'll be fixing those up and releasing them later.<br /><br />Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made on when I'll actually get around to making them (I do plan to retexture <i>all</i> the base game meshes at some point).<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">There's a real square cat, he looks nineteen seventy four...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. You look at me once, you look at me twice, you look at me again there's gonna be a fight.<br /><br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Hair Set Two.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center> male hair default replacements female hair rock this town - stray cats weird public aikea_guinea 8 Thu, 27 May 2010 01:43:12 GMT Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set One <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />You know, most of the default hair meshes that came with TS3 aren't really all that bad. I decided that I really love the hair texture I came up with, so I thought I'd start working it onto the base game meshes that are more or less just taking up space for me at this point.<br /><br />I wasn't really sure how to get previews of these, but trust me that they really do look good in all natural colors. I've done four male and two female hairs so far, and do have plans to tackle several more before all is said and done. Suggestions of what you'd like to see retextured are appreciated, though no promises are made that I'll actually get around to fixing them up.<br /><br />I did an alpha edit of the male 'emo' hair, and have included that as a bonus of sorts. I have a thing for partially shaved hairstyles, ok?!<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">The chances are we've gone too far...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. Our valued destiny comes to nothing. I can't tell you where we're going; I guess there's just no way of knowing.<br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Hair Set One.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center> male hair default replacements female hair true faith - new order woo public aikea_guinea 6 Tue, 20 Apr 2010 18:27:57 GMT Peggy 093094 Retexture <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />I really liked this free hair from Peggy, but the textures were... well... Peggy. I retextured with Liegen's textures and a new control by me.<br /><br />The rar includes ages Toddler-Adult/Elder/Whatever Peggy goes up to. These <i>will</i> replace Peggy's file, as all I did was go in and replace her textures with mine. I feel like I should put a bit of a warning out there about this mesh, just because all four LODs are the high-poly version. It may strain lower-end machines. Just fyi.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Sell me down the river...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want, but no paysites, blah blah blah.<br /><br /><center><a href=" Guinea - Peggy 093094 Retexture.rar"><big>DOWNLOAD</big></a></center> female hair beyond the pale - the mission hungry public aikea_guinea 4 Mon, 15 Mar 2010 23:37:55 GMT can't leave this scene behind - hair for females <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />This was <a href="">originally done by Betty Boop</a>, but there were multiple things odd with the file, mesh, and textures. Since this is pretty damned close to how my hair looks in the analogue world, I decided I'd fix the file up a bit so I could use it.<br /><br />The original .package file was around 22MB, which I've reduced to 2. The original mesh was done in such a way that it would skewer sims if their heads moved too much, which I fixed by giving a larger range of bone assignments. The hair now animates more or less smoothly, though there will be a small amount of clipping. I don't think it's a big enough deal to worry about, however. Lastly, the texture files were done in such a way that the ends would remain a pinkish color with blonde hairs, and purplish on darker hairs. This has been fixed.<br /><br />Furthermore, I edited the bangs to look more like my own, and retextured the mesh using Liegen's gorgeous textures. The control texture is also new, and done by me. The hair is enabled for teens through elders.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Previews lurking in a dark corner at Club Crimsyn...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Do whatever you want with this, as long as you keep it off paysites. You're more than welcome to retexture this to better suit your personal tastes. Could I be anything you want me to be? If so is it meant to be seen?<br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Guinea - F Hair - Scene Edit.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center> female hair panic switch - silversun pickups crappy public aikea_guinea 10 Sat, 27 Feb 2010 23:59:39 GMT Sanctuary II - Mohawk with Bangs for Females <center><img src=""></center><br /><br /><a href="">Remember this set?</a> I finally fixed up the last hair mesh I'd been working on for it. I feel a little silly because it ended up being an insanely easy fix, only I didn't realize what was happening until I started converting the plants in the Eponymous set and ran into the same problem. It involves uv mapping and wandering points and etc.<br /><br />Anyway, here you go; another hair for your less-mainstream simlettes. Pretty sure this one's Teen-Elder.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Previews lost in a wheat field...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Guinea - AF Hair - Mohawk with Bangs.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center><br /><br />(The grass in the background of the previews is coming soon.) female hair angels - tori amos migraines suck public aikea_guinea 7 Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:13:10 GMT AF and AM Punk Hair <center><br /><img src=""><br /></center><br />Someone over on My Sims 3 Blog mentioned something about making a mohawk that wasn't falling over, and somehow that translated into me making the following set of hairs. Maybe it's just me, but there does seem to be a lack of 'non-mainstream' type clothing and hair for TS3...<br /><br />At any rate, tonight I made 4.75 new hairs.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Follow me through a post-apocalyptic alley to a rusty door for some previews...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br /><center><br /><big><a href=" - AMAF Punk Hair.rar">+ DOWNLOAD +</a></big><br /></center><br /><br />So what's the .75 hair all about? Well... apparently WesH's plugins still occasionally want to mess with me.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Wherein my tablet writing skillZ are shown...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />And now for something completely different...<br /><br />I'm also working on some new jeans for the boys in a cuffed style.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">The cats took these pre-previews and hid them under the bed...</a>&nbsp;)</b> male hair female hair wip valerie loves me - material issue full public aikea_guinea 16 Tue, 05 Jan 2010 23:09:26 GMT GoS Seekrit Santa, Take Two <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />I had to rescue a santa-less participant of the GoS secret santa, and now that they've gotten their gift, I'm happy to share it with everyone.<br /><br />First up, I converted Nouk's Mohawk for the Ladies from TS2. With a little tweaking, I made a male version of it as well.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Previews buried under frozen chicken legs in the freezer...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Then I did a conversion of sorts of a Rock Band 2 punk leather jacket I'd done in TS2. I did four different styles. It also comes with a default replacement mesh for the leather jacket found in TS3, as I thought the original was way too boxy. <br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">And these previews are behind the towels in the linen closet...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br /><center><a href=""><big>+ DOWNLOAD + </big></a></center> male hair female hair male clothes tops predatory public aikea_guinea 13 Mon, 21 Dec 2009 23:56:00 GMT TS2 to TS3 Conversion: Nouk "Office Chick" Hair <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />This hair was part of my Garden of Shadows Secret Santa gift to <b>Winterine</b>. I was told that I would be more than welcome to share it, so here you go. It's Nouk's Office Chick hair with a moderately edited bang alpha converted for TS3, available for females, Teen-Elder. Enjoy!<br /><br /><center><big><a href="">Download</a></big></center> female hair pleased public gelydh 2 Mon, 21 Dec 2009 19:43:25 GMT GoS Secret Santa 09 - Gifts <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />My secret santa on GoS got her gift, and now I'm going to share it with everyone. My SS is an Emilie Autumn fan, so all the gifts relate to Miss Autumn in one way or another.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Emilie Autumn Sim:</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Emilie Autumn Make Up:</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Emilie Autumn Hair:</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Emilie Autumn-Inspired Ensemble:</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Violin Clutter:</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Phew! I think that just about covers it.<br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Guinea GoS SS 09.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center> shoes female hair female clothes bottoms objects tops syringe - emilie autumn pleased public aikea_guinea 26 Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:26:09 GMT TS2 to TS3 Conversion: Raon55 Female Hair <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />Seeing how we've had an influx of male hair conversions lately, I thought I'd lend a hand to our female TS3 sims with this conversion of this Raon hair. The number is Raon55, it's available for females only, ages teen through elder. Originally I made this for my own use, but I may as well share it so more people can get some use out of it. Enjoy!<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Download and Additional Previews</a>&nbsp;)</b> female hair hungry public gelydh 1