Club Crimsyn Club Crimsyn - Dreamwidth Studios Sat, 17 Apr 2010 01:07:45 GMT LiveJournal / Dreamwidth Studios club_crimsyn community Club Crimsyn 100 100 Sat, 17 Apr 2010 01:07:45 GMT 1959 Remastered - UPDATED! Fixed Eleventy-Billion Thumbnails <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />The issue with the 2304928304823 thumbnails has been fixed! Please redownload and allow these files to overwrite the ones you downloaded previously.<br /><br />The walls will now be found under 'Wallpaper,' and have only a single thumbnail each. Be forewarned that, because of how this had to be done, any rooms you have decorated using the previous version will now have <b>blank, black walls</b>. However, you won't have a metric crap-ton of extra wall thumbnails to dig through.<br /><br /><center><img src=""><br />These are the new default textures.<br /><br /><big><a href=" Guinea - Wall - 1959Remastered.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big><br /></center><br /><br />Now that I know how to get rid of all the extras, I plan on making a bunch more of these.<br /><br />Thanks to joninmobile on MTS for the fix! walls !file updates life on mars? - david bowie indescribable public aikea_guinea 2 Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:18:02 GMT 1959 (Remastered) - Walls <center><img src=""></center><br /><br />I made a set of walls like these back for TS2, and it occurred to me a couple days ago that TS3 was in desperate need of something similar, especially given CASt. So, here you go.<br /><br />This set consists of five new wall templates; these are <b>not</b> patterns! There's one 'base' template, plus four other walls in various states of decay. All five have the same grunge overlay. Mix and match however you want.<br /><br /><b>(&nbsp;<a href="">Previews inside the hole that got punched in the wall one night...</a>&nbsp;)</b><br /><br />Be warned that there <i>is</i> a minor issue with these, in that they ended up spawning five thumbnails in the paint section, and about 25 in the wallpaper section. :X I have no idea how to get rid of these at this time, but if I do, I'll update the file.<br /><br />Having said that, they can (obviously) be found under 'Paint' and 'Wallpaper' in the wall covering section of build mode. They cost 3 simoleons. Standard TOU: do what you want but don't claim as your own and don't upload to paysites. Tell me, do you feel the same, Isabel? Or do you feel like nineteen fifty-nine?<br /><br /><center><big><a href=" Guinea - Wall - 1959Remastered.rar">DOWNLOAD</a></big></center> walls more - sisters of mercy relaxed public aikea_guinea 14