Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
4th-Jun-2010 06:19 pm - Doctor Who "Cold Blood" and Glee.

17 x Doctor Who 5.09 'Cold Blood'
50 x Glee (episodes 1.16, 1.18, 1.19)

Over here at [ profile] theiconstop 
3rd-Jun-2010 10:40 am - Sims3 Help Needed. Please?
So, until now i only had the basegame installed, mostly cause i didn't wanna deal with installing the EP and learning how to use pirated Store content with it. Now i downloaded the two EPs and i've decided to do a reinstall of my basegame, as well and start new.
I have a question though... that hack, that made it possible for the sliders to go much further in both directions... where did it go? I was certain it was by either Delphy or HP, but i can't find it on MTS at all. Would it work with the EPs anyway?
Also... does anyone know exactly where i can find an explanation on how to make pirated Store content work with EPs? Everyone on MATY keeps saying that the question has been answered a 1000 times, but no one says where. All the threads are so freaking long and i've been looking around for like forever. Why don't they just make it a Sticky?!?!?! Help, please?

Oh, and what exactly does DECRAPIFYING files do to the files? How does it make them less crappy? Why were they crappy in a first place?  Why do i need to do this to my downloads? There's no explanation or anything on there... grrr, i hate MATY, seriously!
2nd-Jun-2010 08:27 pm - Lovely, Wow
never let this go
I took a quick break from my Personal Mission Statement to copy Pooklet and Bluebottle and make my own sims love blog. Have a few pictures on there, will add more, of course. :) If you have any suggestions, you can let me know here or there.

So um, yes. Back to the lab! Yay.
1st-Jun-2010 09:04 pm - Masks, Basques and BAMF-y townies! GOSH!

This would be Angolia Feathering, made purely so I could use that mask. Yeah, I love her a bit.


1st-Jun-2010 12:38 pm - More Going Postal Icons
Made by me
Because I got hold of part two. This time there are 19 Icons including one which is animated.

Let Pterry welcome you in!

By glom of nit... )

31st-May-2010 04:23 pm - 15 Going Postal Icons
Made by me
Capped by me from Sky One's Production.

 1Photobucket 2Photobucket 3Photobucket

 4Photobucket 5Photobucket 6Photobucket

 7Photobucket 8Photobucket 9Photobucket



So far it's rather enjoyable, feel free to use these icons, please don't hotlink, credit etc.
30th-May-2010 09:04 pm - Windurland: Residents and a House (VERY PICTURE INTENSE)
I have really been enjoying my 3-1/2 day weekend.  Work has been insane and I really needed a break.  Yesterday all I did was sleep the day away, I just could not wake up, so I kinda feel like I wasted the day, but I guess that is what my body needed. 

I have not had a lot of time to spend on in my sim game, but I am trying to make up for that this weekend.  I have began populating Windurland, there is about five households right now (I have pictures of two of the households). 

This first up is Auora Carpenter

Knowledge Sim
LTW:  Become Media Magnet
Turn Ons:  Facial Hair/Glasses
Turn off:  Smelly Sims

+ 9 pics )

Next is Rosenda and James Raddrick

Knowledge Sim
LTW:  Become Hand of Poseiden
Turn Ons:  Facial Hair/Brown Hair
Turn off:  Zombies

Fortune Sim
LTW:  Become a Prestidigtator
Turn Ons:  Glass/Black Hair
Turn Off:  Zombies

+ 17 pics )

I have also just finished working on another house.

+ 14 pics )
30th-May-2010 08:47 pm - Blab.
Hey there. I've been thinking of writing an image-heavy guide on hair retexturing, or rather some guidelines on how to avoid some common mistakes. I don't know if it's a silly idea. Is it? I'm pretty anal when it comes to the placement of highlights and in the guide I could share some tips on how to edit the base texture to better fit the mapping. Of course the philosophy of creating CC is to have fun and I don't want anyone to think I demand them to do things exactly my way, but maybe someone would find use for my tips. Yes, no? I'm terribly insecure on the whole thing of giving advice, and always fear people take it as me, a nobody, telling them how to do their thing better. So, thoughts?

I've been going through my tinypic stuff lately as well, looking at old WIPs that I intend to finish once I get the chance. A couple of them under the cut.

WIPs )

As for the next GoS monthly theme I've already planned what I want to do: vampire outfit defaults. A couple of choices for both genders and of course, custom versions as well. I'm not too hot on the Maxis dresses and Dracula capes so I'll likely take the outfits both to a very casual and ventrue-ish elegant directions, once again shamelessly using other people's textures and manipulating them to fit together. And I'd learn something new with that project, defaulting.
30th-May-2010 07:48 pm - NLC3 - The Ring Legacy Gen 1 Pt 8
This will be a really quick update of just 20 images to wrap up generation 1. I'm currently playing generation 2, with generation 3 already on the way!

+19 images under the cut )
29th-May-2010 10:25 pm - So hi
sometimes i think i was born backwards

ILU Anon! I think I walked around all night grinning like a total fool. Thanks so much, it made my night when I read it, seriously. ♥ And Coldfire is just win, I'm so happy for her too. :D
Only 9 more weeks of school to go! Um...yay? )
28th-May-2010 10:54 pm - We're the ones that still believe
nin - bleedthrough

How To Destroy Angels is going to release their first EP as a download on June 1 and for FREE.
You can pre-order it now and get the track The Believers immediately at their store.

Just pre-ordered the HD package myself and will be buying a physical copy as well. Excited!
25th-May-2010 10:29 pm - 25 Doctor Who Icons (from 'The Hungry Earth') and Six Wallpapers

25 x 'The Hungry Earth'
03 x Doctor Who Wallpapers
03 x Ashes to Ashes Wallpapers

Over here at [ profile] theiconstop .
24th-May-2010 08:45 pm
Adian Turner - Rosetti
I made a bunch of Being Human icons tonight; take them if'n ye wish. Do feel free to take the one I'm using for this post as well, even though it isn't Being Human and is just Adian Turner being smexy as Rosetti.

The rest... )

And now to go watch more.
24th-May-2010 09:01 pm - -Ballerinas On The Wall- Rose 0082 Pookleted and Goodbye?
Image Hosted by
Naturals are here
Image Hosted by
Neons are here
I finished! Whoo! These were going to be uploaded yesterday, but my computer was having issues. Big issues.
Random Pictures and I may be gone for a while... )
24th-May-2010 03:17 pm - Blue Eyed Boys and Shoes
Remembering Middle School.

Watching the alpha girl sitting on the bus. She had shiny dark brown hair, cut so it swung around her chin. She sat on the aisle so she could cross her legs, and I watched her, her legs crossed, swinging her foot. She was wearing shoes I coveted. I knew how much those shoes cost. I could never have those shoes. I was wearing knock off shoes but they weren't the real thing.

First day. I'd ridden the bus for the first time and a guy I thought was hot, dark hair and very blue eyes, turned around and looked at me and said, "Your dad died, didn't he?" And he laughed and turned around and laughed again and cast those blue eyes at me, the lure I could not take. I didn't understand why he was laughing. It felt like it was acne, bad hair, wrong shoes, your dad died. You suck. I never spoke to him, ever. Scared to death to speak to him and I thought he was a dick for laughing because my dad was dead. He followed me after we got off the bus, and said something I don't remember, I didn't even hear it, I was walking as fast as I could to get away, but I don't think he was laughing.

And after all these years, I'm wondering if the boy was trying to talk to me and didn't know how to do it. He was twelve years old.

The interesting thing is I still remember his name. I don't remember alpha girl's name. All I remember is her shoes.
24th-May-2010 09:39 am - The Ring Legacy Gen 1 Pt 7
23rd-May-2010 08:08 pm - Holmes-Hilton spawn.
☠ Duncan
A Holmes-Hilton family spam... Mostly 2nd generation, because I love those little buggers.

Brianna Holmes has kids )
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