I don’t want to share fully furnished houses here at Einfach Simlisch in future. The reason why is as simple as annoying: A good friend of mine makes an effort and takes a look at diverse objects from different sites with the TSR Workshop. What she found is the reason why I don’t want to fully furnish my houses anymore. I will use some furniture as a placeholder so that you know what I imagined when I built the houses. From time to time there can be some downloads in it, but this downloads are from sites/ creators that knows how to create stuff for Sims 3 faithful! Some creators obviously don’t make themselves an effort in creating stuff for Sims 3 that has the recommend polygon count. So it can happen that you got a chair that has a polygon count of 3000. Some of you may say “Oh, its just one chair” but please have in mind that a normal sim-household has normally two chairs; if a family lives in it you have 4 or more. Also remember that a sim house has much more rooms than only this one! What these HighPoly objects do to your computer is easily explained. Your computer has a hard job to deal with these objects. If there are a lot of HighPoly objects in your game your processor as well as your graphic card needs a lot of resources to show these objects correctly in real time. The more of such objects are in your game, the more work for your hardware (graphic card and processor). This constant need of resources could cause damage on the fan and in the end it could cause damage on your graphic card or your processor. I was a download junkie for a very long time. And you all know that I always use only things that I’m allowed to use freely in my houses. But sadly most of these items are affected to be HighPoly. Just a handful of creators/ sites on my creditlist know how to do things right… a shame, isn’t it? I got some mails that say after installing one or more houses from Einfach Simlisch the game got performance issues. And till now I didn’t have an idea how to reproduce this problems. But now I think it’s a deal between to points: Point one: I love to furnish houses - lots of furniture and a lot of deco. This could be the reason why some people have trouble after installing my houses if they didn’t have a strong machine. This leads straight to the second point .. Point two: People who install one or more houses built by me could have also a lot of HighPoly objects in there game, like I do, or better did at that point. After installing my houses they maybe got some more HighPoly objects because of my houses. And the result of this chaos is… Result: Every computer can handle a limited amount of HighPoly objects. But if the limit is exceeded your machine strikes back and send a “Thank you” in form of performance issues. That’s the reason why I don’t want to share my houses fully furnished with you in future. Perhaps you ask yourself why I act so late. This is because we can’t open Sims3Pack files for a long time. But now it’s possible to take a look at this files and I decided (for myself) that I don’t want to share this HighPoly objects with you any longer. And at the end I have an informative link for you as player as well as a creator: http://wiki.thesimsresource.com/index.php?title=Polygon Scroll down the page and take an intensive look at the part “Polygon count”. It explains how many polygons are good for objects – per tile – for your game. I think it’s much better English than mine but I want to explain all these with my own words. Sorry for my bad English and I hope you understand why I’m doing what I do. Funny