Dallop Drive by Meela (tile-furnished - teilmöbliert), thank you.
Credit and Thank you to this creators for their stuff.
+ Carol at *4 ESF + Sandy at
*Around the Sims2 + OM at
*Avalon + Nengi65 at
*Sims Crossing + Simnuts at
*Simnuts Creations
+ Jonesi and Hunii at *Black Pearl + mammut, blackypanther, Manuela10669 and Speedymaus22 at
*Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo
+ Tribecca at
*Tribeccasims + Ailias, Buggybooz, Macarossi, Khakidoo, Numenor, rebecah and CTNutmegger at
*Mod the Sims 2
click on images for a bigger view/ klickt auf die Bilder für eine größere Ansicht
*Required: Basegame and all up to Apartment Life.
*Benötigt: Grundspiel und alle weiteren bis Apartment Leben.