Frequently Asked Questions
Download Help
Extract your files to Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads folder. You will need Winrar to unpack them. It can be downloadoded from here for free. If you haven't got Downloads folder just create one.
For the objects you need to download Colour Options Enabler.
Houses: Open the rar file and double click on the file inside.
It will automatically be extracted to the right place in your game.
Where did you get the hairs on your models, shiny floors, etc..?
Click here to see the full list.
Can I recolor your objects and distribute them on my site?
Feel free to recolor all free objects, but please do NOT offer the
mesh I made on your site or redistribute it in any way.
So you have to put up a link back to Stylist Sims,
so your visitors can download my meshes to use the recolors.
Donation sets are under the copyright of
Stylist Sims and may NOT be cloned, recolored or redistributed in any way. Ask for special permission if you want to recolor them!
Your stuff doesn't appear in my game
Be sure that you have upacked them with Winrar. For the recolors, it's very important that you need the original meshes to see the downloads in the game. The clothes meshes are included in the rar file, at the objects you need to download them separately. Be sure that you have got all nessecary expansion packs. Otherwise the Objects maybe won`t appear.
Are the objects expantios pack compatibile?
All objcets are compatibile with all expansion pack. I have got all, so it's the best if you also have got them, otherwise some stuff maybe won't appear.
What's the mesh and why do I need it?
Under some of my items, for example at clothes you see "Meshes included"
Mesh is a shape of the items, wich you will need to get the skin to work in your game. You also need to put these to My documents/EA Games/Sims2/Downloads folder.
All meshes are included in the rar-file, except if I've written something else.
Can I use your creations for screenshots?
Yes, but please give me credit with a link to Stylist Sims.
Useful cheats
I always use these in my game. To enter cheats, open the command console by pressing Ctrl-Shift-C
moveobjects on /off Moves objects and deletes you couldn't before
boolprop snapobjectstogrid false / true You can place objects outside of grid
boolprop allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true / false You can rotate the objects in 45 degree. This will only work if you have got University addon!
Do NOT hotlink to my files or images!
The name of this is bandwidth-theft and it could cause the site to shut down.
Hairs used on models:
Peggy Sims
Sims Artist Union
The Sims Resource
XM Sims
Reflection floors:
Murano Mobilia
Clothing meshes:
Sim Chic
Sim Cribbling
Peggy Sims
If the FAQ didn't answer your question you can contact me here.