Squall Line Apartment

This lot requires the EP "Apartment Life".

lot size: 3 x 3;

Rent 3827 2796 2175
capacity 5-6 2 3-4
apartment type 2 story 1 story (split-level) 1 story

Floorplan (click to enlarge)

A 2F
common area

Custom Contents included:
"Fugly Fern" by buggybooz@MTS2
three plants from "Desert Landscapes" by macarossi@MTS2
Glass Block wall window by Moon_Ez@MTS2
"small shrubby shrub" by HystericalParoxysm@MTS2
"Rock Collection" by nengi65@SimsCrossing
outdoor palms by Nofrena@Wood for Sims **) These files are included with Nofrena's special permission. Thanks so much for permission to include them!
one wall and 1 floor by Kate@Parsimonious
bottomful floor by bluetexasbonnie@The Sorceress and Company
one wall and 1 floor by me

When following lot files were packaged, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage and Apartment Life, and all SPs up to H&M Fashion had been installed in my PC.

Apartment lot:

DOWNLOAD (squall_line_apa.zip 3.7MB)

If you want to modify the lot before moving sims in, please download the residential lot file below, install the lot file, modify it and then enter the cheat code "changelotzoning apartmentbase" and save the data. After you back to neighbourhood, you can see new apartment lot.

Residential lot

DOWNLOAD (squall_line_resident.zip 3.7MB)
inserted by FC2 system