
lot size: 2 x 3;
price: 113,203
fully furnished and landscaped

1F 2F
click to enlarge

Custom Contents included:
"GigglyGrasses", "Holy Hosta" and "Mighty Miscanthus large"
by buggybooz@MTS2
"shrubby shrubs" by HystericalParoxysm@MTS2
Flower Box by macarossi@MTS2
Fern and Lavender from "Eponymous Garden" by Kate@Parsimonious
Big Rosebush by nengi65@SimsCrossing
recolors of storybook-door and flowerbox-window by Chalipo@All4Sims
Four walls by me

Custom Contents NOT included:
Fireplace Bricks (green) by Marina@Marina's Sims


When this lot file was packaged, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons and Bon Voyage, and all SPs up to H&M Fashion had been installed in my PC.

DOWNLOAD (zip 2.6MB)
inserted by FC2 system