Lavender Cottage

lot size: 2 x 2;
price: 108,118

Floorplan (click to enlarge)
1F 2F

Custom Contents included:
"Efeu Garden Plants" mesh by derMarcel@All4Sims, recol by engelchen@All4Sims
"Heavy Metal" fence by derMarcel@All4Sims
"curved plain door" mesh by Helena@PixelSims, recol by Amythestfenix@Amythest's Flying Circus
"Lavender set" by besen@MTS2
"Stone Arch" by crocobaura@MTS2
"One&Two Tile Arched Cutout" mesh by CTNutmegger, recol by Dee@Dee's Decor4Sims
Staircase from "London Space" set by Jonesi@MTS2
"Eponymous Garden" Fern and lavender (old version), "Mataine Dresser" and wall mirror by Kate@Parsimonious
"*Recolourable* Wooden Modular Stairs" by Numenor@MTS2
Magnolia from "Maxis Lost & Found #19" by Numenor@MTS2
weathered white recolor of Numenor's deckstairs by enrosadira@Anno Sims
half round window door by sophisim@AnnoSims
mediterran tree by von Olemantiker@Male-Order Bride
one plant by PG@PG's Sims2(closed) *)not included, only in pictures
"shrubby shrubs" by HystericalParoxysm@MTS2
"CostaRica Tile" roof and "Olivewall"by Komos!
one wall by Tribeccasims2
three walls by
one floor by Chrissy@Serenity Sims & Chrissy's Designs
one wall by Formule1 Sims2
one terrainpaint by me


When this lot file was packaged, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage and Apartment Life, and all SPs up to H&M Fashion had been installed in my PC.

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