Teacup Cottage

lot size : 2 x 2;
price: 59,568


Custom Contents included:
"Outdoor5 Rosebush" by 4 Ever Sim Fantasy
"GigglyGrasses"and "Holy Hosta" by buggybooz@MTS2
plants from ''The Pond in July" and "October Decorative Plant Set" by macarossi@MTS2
"Bigger Oleander" by corvidophile@Sironasims
"Eponymous Garden" (Fennnel, Redwort and Strawberry; old version), "Replendant Garden" and 1 terrainpaint by Kate@Parsimonious
half round window door by sophisim@AnnoSims
"small shrubby shrub" by HystericalParoxysm@MTS2
"Big Rosebush" and one wall by nengi65@SimsCrossing
"Set Landscape" stonepath bySuza@SimplyStyling
"CostaRica Tile" roof by Komos!ms@Komosims.net
four terrainpaints by Tribeccasims2
two terrainpaints, two floors and one wall by me


When this lot file was packaged, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage and Apartment Life, and all SPs up to H&M Fashion, and Mansion&Garden stuff had been installed in my PC.

DOWNLOAD (zip 3.5MB)
inserted by FC2 system