miscellaneous set

Miscellaneous Set 3

"A Cafe in Tokyo"

01.10.09 I noticed the ceiling lamp looks weird when it lights, and then I fixed its mesh. Please re-download the new lamp file and overwrite the old one. Sorry for inconvenience.

ceiling lamp
(fixed, 01.10.09)

poly count: 2936

basegame compatible

DOWNLOAD: caintokyo_lamp_fixed011009.zip (126KB)

coffee table

poly count:
3610 (2 tiles)

basegame compatible

dining table

poly count: 3482

basegame compatible

bar stool

poly count: 3414

basegame compatible

coffee cup deco

mesh - black
poly count: 2978
basegame compatible

recolor - blue, green and red

: cafeintokyo_basegame_290909.zip (0.8MB)

half wall

requires NightLife EP

DOWNLOAD: cafeintokyo_halfwall.zip (246KB)

inserted by FC2 system