Restaurant "Waterlily"

Community lot
lot size: 2 x 4


Custom Contents included:
"Iron Patio Door" by -Maylin-@MTS2
"GigglyGrasses", "Holy Hosta", "MightyMiscanthus"and "Mumbo Jumbo Grass"by buggybooz@MTS2
plants from "The Pond in July" and "October Decorative Plant Set" by macarossi@MTS2
two plants by bienchen@Sims2me
"Bigger Oleander", "Bushy Tree"and "Spring Blossom Tree"by corvidophile2@Sironasims
"Litsa's Veranda Arch and Railing" by dgandy@SimsFashionBarn
flowers from "Eponious Garden" (old version) and "Resplendant Garden" by Kate@Parsimonious
"Classic Stone Bench", "Classic Garden Stone Chair", "Goth Trellis Fence" and "Goth Trellis arch" by Marina@Marina'sSims
"Flowering Thorn" by Numenor@MTS2
"Big Rosebush", "Flowering vines", "Lisa's Tree", PodiumGastronomique white recol and 1 wall by nengi65@SimsCrossing
two flowers and flower box by Nofrena@Wood for Sims **) These files are included with Nofrena's special permission. Thanks so much for permission to include them !
two terrainpaints by tribeccasims2
one wall, 1 floor and 1 terrainpaint by me

When this lot file was packaged, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage and Apartment Life, and all SPs up to H&M Fashion had been installed in my PC.

DOWNLOAD (zip 7.5MB)
inserted by FC2 system