Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Replying To 
17th-Mar-2010 05:53 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what exactly the problem you're having is.

Do you mean the camera hack does something with the speed of the game? Becuase I'm able to go in both fast forward and slow motion with my hack in. Do you mean that machinima makers go around editing their videocamera.ini files? If so, that's not a good thing to be doing for the very reason I put this into a .package file in the first place. If machinima makers want to edit the package file, that's fine. They'll need to use S3PE to access the file inside, which is just the videocamera.ini in xml form.

(Your English is just fine, btw. :) I'm just not sure what the exact issue is.)
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