Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Recent Entries 
8th-Apr-2010 04:37 pm - Floodland and Driven Apart - Grass & Barrels
TS3 - Jacob - Smiling

I made a set of overgrown grass and three barrels for GoS'ssss's'ss'ss monthly theme. Get details and such here.

Direct download link for anyone unable to access GoS.

I'm working on some other items for the theme... )
27th-Feb-2010 09:29 pm - Sleeping Fields - Grass & Wheat
TS3 - Jacob - Punkin

[personal profile] gelydh originally made this for TS2, and then attempted to convert it to TS3 for me. It was going to be all fancy and CASTable, but I was too picky so I took the project over from her. In the end, the grass wasn't CASTable, but it is multi-placeable and comes in two lengths and three color variations.

One of my cats stole the previews and left them as an offering on my pillow... )

25th-Feb-2010 05:48 pm - Dividing Canaan - Eponymous Garden and Scarecrow Conversions
TS3 - Jacob - Dancing Cats

Parsimonious'ss'ssss Eponymous Garden (V1) had some of my all time favorite plants for TS2, so I decided to convert some of them (eleven, to be exact). I also really missed the scarecrow that came with the Seasons EP, so I converted him, too. He's just so much creepier than the one that came with Riverview...

Previews found dumped in a well next to the Chantry... )

The plants can be found in build mode under flowers, and the scarecrow in under Misc. Decorations. I think he costs §67.

All credit goes to Parsimonious for the original textures and meshes, though I did do some scaling and gave several of the plants backfaces. The scarecrow is pure EAxis.


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