Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Recent Entries 
18th-Apr-2010 10:02 pm - more whovian goodies to come...
Dr. Who - Dalek Tea
By mid-late next week I should have all the bits and pieces for this all set and ready to go. I'm converting a Dalek, but the TS2 mesh I'm working on leaves a lot to be desired, so I'm going to rebuild him. And yes, they'll be recolorable.

At any rate, here's another sneak-peek of the Dr. Who dealies I'm working on...

Affirmative, Mistress... )
14th-Apr-2010 09:27 pm - works in progress - TARDIS, insanity, drugs, and alcohol
Dr. Who - Eleven Clock
This is borderline picspam, truth be told. I wasn't taking these pics for WIP images, but we've been working on some things and I wanted to share. All these will be coming out eventually.

Lots o' pics ahead...

It's always a big day tomorrow; we've got a time machine! I skip the little ones. )

So. Yep. We'll be releasing these soon. I've also got some grungy patterns to get previews of and upload for the GoS theme.
8th-Apr-2010 04:37 pm - Floodland and Driven Apart - Grass & Barrels
TS3 - Jacob - Smiling

I made a set of overgrown grass and three barrels for GoS'ssss's'ss'ss monthly theme. Get details and such here.

Direct download link for anyone unable to access GoS.

I'm working on some other items for the theme... )
24th-Feb-2010 02:53 pm - wall writing
TS3 - Jacob - Computer

This has been an ongoing project of mine pretty much since the release of TS3. Unfortunately, it's proving to be a bit of a pain in the ass.

Examples of annoyances... )

I'm going to continue to work on these issues, but if they can't be resolved for whatever reason, are these issues bad enough that you'd avoid downloading them if released? I'm mostly just curious how picky people are about things. Personally, I can't stand releasing something if it doesn't work exactly how I want it to.
16th-Feb-2010 07:01 pm - WIP/Coming Soon
TS3 - Jacob - Robot

I'll be releasing these quite soon. It's a long-sleeved top for males in two flavors (tee and thermal textures), and the cuffed jeans I showed off awhile ago.

As soon as I can stop things from going Wrong... )

(Posters by me and available here.)
6th-Jan-2010 08:29 pm - AF and AM Punk Hair
Dragon Age - Death

Someone over on My Sims 3 Blog mentioned something about making a mohawk that wasn't falling over, and somehow that translated into me making the following set of hairs. Maybe it's just me, but there does seem to be a lack of 'non-mainstream' type clothing and hair for TS3...

At any rate, tonight I made 4.75 new hairs.

Follow me through a post-apocalyptic alley to a rusty door for some previews... )


So what's the .75 hair all about? Well... apparently WesH's plugins still occasionally want to mess with me.

Wherein my tablet writing skillZ are shown... )

And now for something completely different...

I'm also working on some new jeans for the boys in a cuffed style.

The cats took these pre-previews and hid them under the bed... )
29th-Dec-2009 03:55 pm - wip randomness - sweatervest dealie
TS3 - Jacob - Dancing Cats

So I've been working on this really pointless side project (a ts3 video of all things), and I needed to do a remake of the Rock Band 2 sweater vest top I did for TS2. Unfortunatly, TS3 seems to have this thing against meshes that make sense, and I'm not really feeling up to making a totally new mesh right now (and all the morphs it would require). I ended up making this as a compromise:

I've lost the previews down the back of the couch again... )

I know it's sort of a niche type item, but does anyone else want it?

I also made those windows! Windows are strange things indeed, and I broke those. They still look kinda neat, and really make me want to experiment with windows more.
26th-Dec-2009 11:03 pm - WIP - Spiked Bracelets
TS3 - Jacob - Growl

Just a few preview pics of what I've been working on over the last hour. My goal is to make these morph through skinny/fat/no muscles/full muscles; we shall see how successful I am.

prepreviews )

Meshes are done-ish for singular left and right, as well as leftright at once.
23rd-Nov-2009 09:43 pm - WIP - Raon Conversion/Edit
TS3 - Jacob - Computer

Does anyone want this? If there's interest, I'll happily finish and upload this. I was really just messing around, seeing if I could shorten some meshes. Dunno about anyone else, but I'd like to have a selection of shorter hairs for guys.

Lost my train of thought completely... :/

Two more previews here in the crawl space... )
15th-Nov-2009 07:41 pm - when things go wrong
TS3 - Jacob - Crazy

At some point today, some time between a breakfast that consisted of a pancake that was larger than my head and cider after noon that was wasn't quite real, I told [personal profile] robokitty and [ profile] century_eyes of the horror that was Things I Try To Do That Go Wrong. [personal profile] gelydh has seen these, and now I share them with the rest of you. This is what happens when I start messing around with making new sliders.

Good old-fashioned nightmare fuel... )

What's the point? Well... sometimes making CC calls for experimentation. Often times, those experiments go really, really wrong. Sometimes, I feel the need to share my pain.
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