Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Recent Entries 
1st-Feb-2010 10:14 pm - Blight-Queller - Spiked Bracelets, Dragon Age Shirt and Patterns
Tristan - Spikes

Lots of stuff in this update... Spiked bracelets for males and females, a Dragon Age t-shirt for males, and some patterns from the Dragon Age game for whatever gender wants them.

Previews and blah blah blah... )
19th-Jan-2010 08:41 pm - too numb to kill - handcuffs for males and females
TS3 - Jacob - Close Look

A conversion of my TS2 handcuff bracelets, for males and females, teen through elder. Comes in three versions - left, right, and both. The dual version has two castable parts for mixing or matching between the cuffs. These things are a serious pain in the ass to get pictures of.

In-game previews buried in a shallow grave in the backyard... )


Do what you want with these, as long as you give credit and don't claim them as your own and keep them the hell away from paysites.

There was much swearing, but after several days I think I've got my computer set up again for creating and whatnot. You don't want to know the amount of fail I've had in the last three days. More stuff coming soon after my rage subsides.
8th-Jan-2010 03:07 pm - Site Repost - Accessories
Tattoo - My Wings

Chest Hair Overlay
For Teen through Elder Males
Enabled for all clothing states.


Site Repost - Accessories )

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