Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
more whovian goodies to come... 
18th-Apr-2010 10:02 pm
Dr. Who - Dalek Tea
By mid-late next week I should have all the bits and pieces for this all set and ready to go. I'm converting a Dalek, but the TS2 mesh I'm working on leaves a lot to be desired, so I'm going to rebuild him. And yes, they'll be recolorable.

At any rate, here's another sneak-peek of the Dr. Who dealies I'm working on...

I want this poster in analogue, please. Would anyone rather have/have in addition to this a framed/matted version?
19th-Apr-2010 05:49 pm (UTC)
K-9! Eeeeeee!

I'm imagining the possibilities of recolorable Daleks. How about a lovely floral pattern? Or rainbow stripes.

Yes, I need that poster, too. I like it as is, but I suppose someone might like it framed.
21st-Apr-2010 05:58 am (UTC)
Dr. Who - K-9
I loooooooooove K-9... d'awwww... robopuppy!

*robopuppy commencing two hour yipping session*

Honestly, at this point I'm not sure I can un-lazy myself enough to frame that poster. Much like in real life.
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