Ah crap, I wasn't going to say anything else, but... I CAN'T HELP IT!
Again I want to say a huge thank you for saying this!!!!!!!! Your courage has ignited conversations in all of Sims 3 circles I'm apart of. It seems a lot of people feel the same way and are relieved someone finally made a public statement instead of just telling Joe in private to not post their stuff.
Maybe it won't help the quality of what goes on at MS3B, but perhaps it will help some creators seek out more constructive atmosphere away from the negativity now that they know there are others that feel the same. We all can hope, right?
Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in." Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip." Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."
no subject
Date: 2011-03-01 02:26 am (UTC)Again I want to say a huge thank you for saying this!!!!!!!! Your courage has ignited conversations in all of Sims 3 circles I'm apart of. It seems a lot of people feel the same way and are relieved someone finally made a public statement instead of just telling Joe in private to not post their stuff.
Maybe it won't help the quality of what goes on at MS3B, but perhaps it will help some creators seek out more constructive atmosphere away from the negativity now that they know there are others that feel the same. We all can hope, right?