Date: 2011-11-15 12:21 am (UTC)
I was big into the TS2 CC scene, or at least the downloading of it and I freely admit I would often nick your creations from the booty. I was a teenager then, and didn't have a debit card, and my parents could hardly afford to put me in college much less buy content for a computer game for me. And while I genuinely believe that is an absolutely valid reason (also I'm pretty much anti-paysite in every way), the fact is after seeing you two in the community (at GOS and on your Dreamwidth), I feel a bit guilty. You both are amazing not only at creating custom content, but also in personality. You're just cool people. And the fact that you have to use money out of your own pocket to SHARE the content you create makes me at once both sad and happy. Sad that you have to do that, but happy that you're willing to. For this reason (and also because I DO have a debit card now), you can bet I will be donating whenever I have some extra money.

That said, I also want to actually say something more on topic about this post. MS3B is about the only thing that's stopping me from sharing my own creations. I've been viciously attacked before by anons in other communities, and I'd do anything to keep myself from having to go through that torment again. So I'm very torn. There are so many things I want to make (and maybe convert from TS2) because I want them in MY game and I know other people would think they were cool. I mean, I've even downloaded all the tools to mesh. But then I think about the absolutely horrible way people act when they're allowed to be anon, and I get scared all over again. And I just don't know if the custom content is even worth it.

Aaannywaaays, sorry for the TL;DR. And thank you so much for the things you share. Always remember that despite the douchenozzles with entitlement issues that are gradually taking over the CC-downloading population, there are still some nice people that love and appreciate what you do, and who will always be willing to TELL you so whenever asshats get you down or angry. You are not alone (and that goes for ALL CC creators, actually).

Also: while I will dearly miss Helaene and RD (their creations, as well as them), I really can't blame them for deciding that it's not worth the trouble.

♥ Sarah [My tumblr (, because I can't use it for OpenID and my LiveJournal account is pretty much dead.]
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Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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