Re: Evie

Date: 2011-02-28 06:43 pm (UTC)
ext_594712: (Default)
When my stuff first began to appear on MS3B I was a little excited. It was nice to be recognized but I learned very quickly that with such exposure the unsavory types come out. I stopped reading the comments there a long time ago. I was appalled at the way they would attack people on a personal level rather than be constructive on the creation itself. I no longer create anything for Sims 3 for a number of reasons and I certainly don't miss the knot in my stomach every time my stuff would be posted to MS3B. I can not speak for anyone but myself but I have seen many creators, myself included, in the same position and I understand completely. It's a terrible thing to see the way people are attacked, insulted, and ultimately destroyed at MS3B. Thank you for posting this. I think that there are so many creator's who have looked to both of you as mentor's. Many of us got started creating because of both of you so to hear a "voice" as influential as both of yours on what happens there, means a lot to all of us who have been struck down in some way by MS3B. I will be posting a link to your post to my blog to show my support. *Hugs*
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Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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