Date: 2011-11-14 12:28 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
It's pathetic that they've clearly tried to impersonate a well-known creator. If you want to get known around the community, work hard on your own creations and stop impersonating other, more talented creators.

I actually posted a (very polite!) comment on their blog about the similarity between your name and theirs, and not only did they delete my comment, they posted a pretty nasty entry about the whole thing.

Hopefully they'll lose interest and move along. Very irritating and disgusting.
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Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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