I don't mind at all! For the control, I generally 'draw' each one out for the individual hair, but it's not really THAT huge of a deal. I made a brush for photoshop that has a sort of jagged edge on it, which I use for the roots and tips. The shine control is easy enough to get just by making a layer of 255 green, with 0 red and 0 blue, set to burn. This is put over a version of the multiplier/diffuse texture that I've messed around with the curves on enough to get a nice looking highlight control. HOWEVER, aWT (who rocks my socks) came up with this action for making highlight controls you may want to check out. I haven't personally had a chance to test it, but given how amazing everything he does is, there shouldn't be a problem.
Skintone 2.0... goodness. Basically, I've been running with it for longer than I want to admit. It's not perfect, and is still only about 75% done. Sadly, this is about all it takes for me personally to consider something done for 'personal use.' I figured most people are probably using other, better skintones by now, so I pretty much forgot about it. Still, there are things bugging me (the female legs don't line up quite right, for example) that I want to fix. I think I'll shuffle this higher to the top of the 'to finish' list, and if nothing else, contact me in a few weeks and I'll just send you what I have. XD
Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in." Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip." Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."
no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 05:15 am (UTC)Skintone 2.0... goodness. Basically, I've been running with it for longer than I want to admit. It's not perfect, and is still only about 75% done. Sadly, this is about all it takes for me personally to consider something done for 'personal use.' I figured most people are probably using other, better skintones by now, so I pretty much forgot about it. Still, there are things bugging me (the female legs don't line up quite right, for example) that I want to fix. I think I'll shuffle this higher to the top of the 'to finish' list, and if nothing else, contact me in a few weeks and I'll just send you what I have. XD
And questions are always welcome!