Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
WIP: Conversion of TS2 Books 
9th-Oct-2009 08:39 pm
TS3 Jonathan | the spiders from mars
I know, I know, it's been ages since I've done anything even remotely constructive for any game. Ever. However, in my defense, I have been working on getting properly working objects so I can convert a crapload of stuff. I finally have objects nearly beaten (still working out shadows), so I started doing some conversions of our TS2 Club Crimsyn books.

No shadows, yet, but I promise there will be some soon! I plan on doing a helluva lot of object-type conversions, so I ask that you remain patient and I'll get things done eventually. XD
10th-Oct-2009 01:25 am (UTC)
rahm came
I just squeed all over myself. I'm really looking forward to bloating up my objects folder with club crimsyn conversions. XD
10th-Oct-2009 11:17 am (UTC)
Art - Pass the paprika please
Awesome! Definitely need more clutter in TS3.
10th-Oct-2009 02:02 pm (UTC)
If it means I get shit as good as this, I can wait forever! Well maybe not literally forever, but a good chunk of time :)
10th-Oct-2009 09:23 pm (UTC)
fangy smile
Looks sweet, you can never go wrong with book clutter <3
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