Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
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12th-Nov-2009 09:40 pm (UTC)
Huh. I'd never even looked at My Sims 3 Blog before. I just read through all those comments, and it makes me want to smack some of those kids (assuming they are kids). So you don't like the texture? Okay, fine, but there's no need to be insulting about it (for what it's worth, I think the texture looks fine). I had to laugh, though, at the one who said it looks like an ass on top. Huh? Where did that come from?

I guess they just don't understand the idea of constructive criticism. Oh well, try to ignore them, if you can. In the end, their opinions really don't matter.

Anyway, thanks for this again. Now I just have to decide which of my favorite boys gets to have it. Oh - and you're so right about needing more "normal" male hair. Not every guy needs to look like he's from an anime.
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