Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
+ AM Baseball Shirts plus PSD File + 
11th-May-2009 02:32 pm
James & Tristan - T Front

Fourteen plain baseball shirts for Adult Males. Files are compressorized and descriptively named: first color listed is the sleeve color, second color is the body color. I've also uploaded a PSD file with all the colors included.

(click for full size)

Standard Club Crimsyn TOU, so do whatever the hell you want with these as long as they remain free.


11th-May-2009 10:37 pm (UTC)
Thanks, I really like these and the psd file will come in handy XD
12th-May-2009 05:50 pm (UTC)
Pinup - Vargas Boobies
Thanks! I figured it'd be easier for people to make recolors/do conversions if I went ahead and tossed up the psd file.

Though now that I'm thinking about it, it may have been even easier if I'd included the alpha. Oh well.
12th-May-2009 12:09 am (UTC)
Very cool, thanks much!
12th-May-2009 05:50 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
Very welcome! :D
12th-May-2009 02:23 am (UTC)
Gauis Baltar and Six from Battlestar Galactica
Nice, thanks :D
12th-May-2009 05:51 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
Thanks, and you're welcome! :D
12th-May-2009 05:15 am (UTC)
never let this go
Awesome. I Love the red/black and green combos. :)
12th-May-2009 05:51 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
Thanks! I like the red/black in particular, myself. :D
12th-May-2009 06:47 am (UTC)
TV - Dexter - HAHAHA!!!!
Thanks for sharing these! The colors are gorgeous.
12th-May-2009 05:52 pm (UTC)
Dexter - Titty Vampire
Thank you!
12th-May-2009 11:41 am (UTC)
pink typewriter
Love these, thank you!
12th-May-2009 05:52 pm (UTC)
The Shining - Typewriter
You're very welcome. :D
13th-May-2009 01:48 pm (UTC)
These are awesome! Thanks :)
17th-May-2009 04:29 pm (UTC)
Kitty Cat
Ah, these are wonderful. I'm glad I found this, thank you ^^
Also - while we're here, I adore the Club Crimsyn update :)
13th-Oct-2009 02:41 pm (UTC)
You Are Not Real.
I've been looking for these for a while--I couldn't understand why I couldn't find them on your LJ community. It only today occured to me to look here. XD I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer.

I love how crisp they look. Thank you for these, and for sharing the psd!
29th-Jan-2010 10:04 pm (UTC)
I've downloaded, thank you. Do you happen to have any other journal sites like this but for ts2?
29th-Jan-2010 10:45 pm (UTC)
Jacob - Sock Monkey
You're quite welcome!

I don't really keep track of TS2 so much anymore, so I can only offer up [personal profile] nymphy's [community profile] nocturnalsims off the top of my head. ^_^
30th-Jan-2010 04:37 pm (UTC)
Great! Thank you very much!

I'm also on LiveJournal if you are too and know of any good ts2 journals there. :D
25th-Apr-2010 10:04 am (UTC)
Ty so much! These are great. And I love the necklace too! You are a amazing artist!
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