Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
GoS Seekrit Santa, Take Two 
5th-Jan-2010 02:57 pm
TS3- Unicorn

I had to rescue a santa-less participant of the GoS secret santa, and now that they've gotten their gift, I'm happy to share it with everyone.

First up, I converted Nouk's Mohawk for the Ladies from TS2. With a little tweaking, I made a male version of it as well.

Then I did a conversion of sorts of a Rock Band 2 punk leather jacket I'd done in TS2. I did four different styles. It also comes with a default replacement mesh for the leather jacket found in TS3, as I thought the original was way too boxy.

6th-Jan-2010 02:28 am (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
It's just so stupid! It's like the people who design the male clothing in this are blind. Or maybe everyone who works there is just rectangular shaped...?
6th-Jan-2010 02:52 am (UTC)
Selene from Underworld
Then the employees would need to be a small army of mutants. x.x .. Or they're trying to keep it incredibly cartoonish or.. something.
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