Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
WIP/Coming Soon 
16th-Feb-2010 07:01 pm
TS3 - Jacob - Robot

I'll be releasing these quite soon. It's a long-sleeved top for males in two flavors (tee and thermal textures), and the cuffed jeans I showed off awhile ago.

What the shirt should look like.

Things keep breaking... new and different ways.

(Posters by me and available here.)
17th-Feb-2010 04:33 am (UTC)
TS3 - Jacob - Glasses
I'm trying to make stand-alone meshes that don't require the store files I based these off, and it's making me crazy. It's frustrating because morphs don't look difficult at all, but I'm obviously missing something fundamental.

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