Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Download - TS3 Camera Mod 
11th-Jun-2009 04:23 pm

When I first got TS3, the camera movements made me physically ill within only a few minutes of playing. The first thing I did was start digging through directories until I found the camera file and quickly began making changes.

This is my camera mod for TS3. It gets rid of the 'drift' in freecam mode (tab), plus allows the camera to go down to ground level. It's not as involved as Gunmod's TS2 camera mod was, but hopefully it'll be useful for people. It's allowed me to actually play the game for more than ten minutes at a time, at any rate.

A version of this was originally uploaded in the TS3 picture thread on GoS, but this is an updated version. If you downloaded my original from GoS, allow this one to overwrite it.

Installation instructions: Install as you would any other custom content.


Original VideoCamera.ini file
Grab this if you forgot to back up/lost your original VideoGame.ini file
12th-Jun-2009 12:06 am (UTC)
Mary - TS3 - Looking Up
You're very welcome! Let me know if it seems to have had an affect on the normal camera, as well. There's still drift with it, but I swear it's not as bad as it had been! (It's probably just my imagination, since I'm almost positive the normal camera would have its own file somewhere [that I can't access, sadly].)

"Can I just say, really nice teaser pic."

Thanks!! I couldn't really show 'Lack of Drift,' so I went with 'Ground Level Artistic.' XD
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