Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
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25th-Feb-2010 05:48 pm - Dividing Canaan - Eponymous Garden and Scarecrow Conversions
TS3 - Jacob - Dancing Cats

Parsimonious'ss'ssss Eponymous Garden (V1) had some of my all time favorite plants for TS2, so I decided to convert some of them (eleven, to be exact). I also really missed the scarecrow that came with the Seasons EP, so I converted him, too. He's just so much creepier than the one that came with Riverview...

Unfiltered picture of all the plants. And a corpse.

Sims treat the plants as groundcover, and will walk/run/skip/whatever through them.

The scarecrow. He just hangs there.

The following plants are included in the .rar:

The plants can be found in build mode under flowers, and the scarecrow in under Misc. Decorations. I think he costs §67.

All credit goes to Parsimonious for the original textures and meshes, though I did do some scaling and gave several of the plants backfaces. The scarecrow is pure EAxis.


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