Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
1959 (Remastered) - Walls 
10th-Mar-2010 11:02 am
TS3 - Tristan - Looking Down

I made a set of walls like these back for TS2, and it occurred to me a couple days ago that TS3 was in desperate need of something similar, especially given CASt. So, here you go.

This set consists of five new wall templates; these are not patterns! There's one 'base' template, plus four other walls in various states of decay. All five have the same grunge overlay. Mix and match however you want.

The base textures you'll see under 'paint.'

Be warned that there is a minor issue with these, in that they ended up spawning five thumbnails in the paint section, and about 25 in the wallpaper section. :X I have no idea how to get rid of these at this time, but if I do, I'll update the file.

Having said that, they can (obviously) be found under 'Paint' and 'Wallpaper' in the wall covering section of build mode. They cost 3 simoleons. Standard TOU: do what you want but don't claim as your own and don't upload to paysites. Tell me, do you feel the same, Isabel? Or do you feel like nineteen fifty-nine?

16th-Mar-2010 11:53 pm (UTC)
Holy cow these are awesome. Thank you so much!

p.s. Hope you don't mind a WCIF? Where can I find that lovely purple chair? Please don't tell me that I am ultra blind and that it can be found in game? :-\
17th-Mar-2010 12:31 am (UTC)
TS3 - Jacob - Punkin
You're welcome!

The chair is part of one of the newer sets from the store! I cannot remember the exact name right off the top of my head, but it's an office set with a fancy-ass desk and maybe a few other things.
17th-Mar-2010 12:38 am (UTC)
AK 1
Ahh ok, I haven't nabbed anything from the err store ;) lately, looks like I might have to go and have a nosey. Thank you! :)
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