Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
April 2nd, 2010 
06:52 pm - Big Empty - Jeans for Teen/Adult Males
TS3 - Jacob & Tristan - Annoyance

More jeans, because I wanted to. Two different styles, available for teens, young adults, and adults. One was originally from Teen Style Stuff, the other from H&M Stuff.

Conversations kill... )

There are two color channels for each style: one for the main jean color and another for the 'grunge' parts.

Textures originally by EAxis and edited to hell and back by me to get to fit on a TS3 mesh. Do whatever you want with these, but don't claim them as your own and keep them the hell off paysites. Yes, I'm doing a lot of copy/pasting... what of it? Too much walking, shoes worn thin. Too much tripping and my soul's worn thin.


Also, as an aside, Gelydh is working on converting these and the previous jeans for females.
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