Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
April 30th, 2010 
12:11 pm - No Excuses - Silent Hill Street Set
TS3 - Jacob & Tristan - Annoyance

More Silent Hill conversions, this time the street set. Includes vending machines (five recolors), two sets of newspaper boxes (five recolors between them), a parking meter, and a non-functioning public phone.

I was going to release these for the GoS monthly theme, but I'm sure by now we all know why I can't do that just yet.

Got no patience to search for peace of mind... )

Standard Club Crimsyn TOU on these. Original meshes and textures from Silent Hill. Wall writing in previews coming soon. You think it's funny, well you're drowning in it too.

06:54 pm - I Hate Vans - Left 4 Dead Wall Writing
Damien | you bleed for me

A set of twelve various wall writings as seen in the game Left 4 Dead; six are on Aikea's single-tile mesh and six are on her two-tile mesh. I definitely plan on doing more of these, since there's so much interesting graffiti to be found in the game, and I've only used a small amount of it.

Like Aikea's wall writing, they can be found under Decorative > Wallhangings and cost $0. Enjoy!

Read more... )

07:05 pm - Release the Glitch - Artzybasheff's Neurotica Wall Art
Artzybasheff - Repressed Hostility

I was going to hold off on releasing these, because I thought people may be getting sick of wall writing/art/graffiti, but... meh. Take it or leave it; doesn't really matter to me.

Artwork by the insanely talented Boris Artzybasheff, from his Neurotica series.

Can you fall asleep with a panic switch...? )

Blah blah blah blah blah... I'm waiting and fading and floating away.

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