Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Commenting To 
25th-Mar-2010 09:44 pm - Misery Loves Company - More Jeans for Males
Emilie Autumn - Close Violin

Again... I wanted more jeans. Again again, these are more or less a conversion of some jeans that came with TS2 Teen Style Stuff.

The preselected colors.

These are for adult and young adult males, and I do plan on making a version for teens possibly as early as tomorrow. There are two color channels: one for the main jean color and another for the 'grunge' parts.

Textures originally by EAxis and edited to hell and back by me to get to fit on a TS3 mesh. Do whatever you want with these, but don't claim them as your own and keep them the hell off paysites. You're not the first, you're not the last. How many more? Don't even ask. You're one more dead composer.

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