Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
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20th-Apr-2010 11:20 am - Peggy 093094 Retexture
TS3 - Aikea Distressed

I really liked this free hair from Peggy, but the textures were... well... Peggy. I retextured with Liegen's textures and a new control by me.

The rar includes ages Toddler-Adult/Elder/Whatever Peggy goes up to. These will replace Peggy's file, as all I did was go in and replace her textures with mine. I feel like I should put a bit of a warning out there about this mesh, just because all four LODs are the high-poly version. It may strain lower-end machines. Just fyi.

Do whatever you want, but no paysites, blah blah blah.

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