Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Mad Girl - Six Emilie Autumn Lyrical Wall Writings 
20th-Apr-2010 04:32 pm
Emilie Autumn - Corset & Violin

I've been over-using my other wall writing, so I made some more. This set has Emilie Autumn lyrics.

Found under Decorative - Wall Hangings, and cost nothing. Castable. Do what you want, etc, blah blah, no paysites. The beginning and the end, much closer than they seem.



I've updated my first set of wall writings to get rid of an annoying shadow and some extra IMG files in the package. The file is now not only smaller, but also will be much easier to recolor. I plan on putting together a tutorial for that very soon.

21st-Apr-2010 01:57 am (UTC)
Her lyrics make really good crazy-writing. You know, I'm not sure I've ever listened to much of her music. I should give it a try.

Also, yay for figuring out the fix for the original!
21st-Apr-2010 05:52 am (UTC)
Emilie Autumn - Face
If you do, I suggest you start with 'Opheliac.' My other favorite of hers is 'Laced/Unlaced,' but that's more classical-straight-violin-and-harpsichord. Which obviously isn't bad at all, but doesn't have any lyrics.

That shadow on the original was driving me insane, and the fix was stupid-easy in the end.
21st-Apr-2010 08:18 am (UTC)
Love this, thank you very much!

I'm also looking forward your wall writing tutorial - your default eye replacement tutorial on MTS was very helpful for me and I can't wait to try this wall writing thing for myself...
21st-Apr-2010 08:49 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
You're very welcome!

Really, recoloring these is pretty simple, especially since I know way more what I'm doing now as compared to when I put the eye tutorial together! I'm going to make a different kind of wall overlay and do two tutorials at once, but it should done be within the next couple weeks.
21st-Apr-2010 10:56 am (UTC)
Is it sad that I can name each and every song that the lyrics are from??

Anyway, these are awesome, I so wish my Sims 3 would work >.
21st-Apr-2010 08:50 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
Nah, not sad at all! I keep getting the various songs stuck in my head when I see them in my game.
21st-Apr-2010 11:19 am (UTC)
Emilie Autumn 3
Yayyyy, i love these! There can never be enough Emilie love :D
21st-Apr-2010 08:52 pm (UTC)
Emilie Autumn - Close Violin
Spread the plague, right? :D
21st-Apr-2010 08:39 pm (UTC)
Emilie Rat Game
Fuck yes!! These are so much more amazing than what I've been making for TS2. Amazing!♥♥♥
21st-Apr-2010 08:56 pm (UTC)
Emilie Autumn - Corset & Violin
HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the idea! 8D

I thought your TS2 ones were pretty amazing from what I saw, what with the stars and all.
21st-Apr-2010 09:33 pm (UTC)
never let this go
lol Thanks. I love how yours looks like mad writing.
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