Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
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17th-May-2010 10:34 pm - Default Replacement Tank Tops for Males
Misc - War Kitten

I did these ages ago and never released them. Good thing, because today I fixed up quite a few issues with the mesh and texture. Better late than never, I suppose.

These are a default replacement. They will replace the tank tops already in the game. I slimmed the mesh down (will only affect slimmer sims; does nothing to larger sims) and replaced the texture with one I like a lot better. If you prefer not to have these replace the in-game tank tops, give me a few days as I do plan on making a non-replacement version.

These have two color channels, but I failed to get a picture of that; I'll edit this post with one soon. Done.

You should know the drill by now. No paysites, no claiming my work as your own. Otherwise, do whatever. She knows the noises in her mind; nothing's left but screaming silence.

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