Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
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24th-May-2010 03:48 pm - Self Deception - Zipper-Detailed Pants for Teen and Adult Males
TS3 - Jacob - Smiling

I was staring blankly at a bunch of the CC I'd made for TS2 when I came across some plaid pants with zippers on them. I really liked them, so I decided to make a version for TS3. Yes, I realize my preview pictures use a striped pattern on them instead of plaid.

These are for Teen-Adult (maybe elder? I can never remember if I check that box or not no, not for elders), are available for Everyday, Formal, and Career, and have four preset styles.

These use base-game meshes and my textures. Do whatever you want, but no paysites and no pretending you made them. Life turned to night as you're asleep, blood flowing down, is this a dream?

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