Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Picspam - My TS3 Game Is Too Happy 
26th-Jun-2009 12:58 pm
TS3 - Pie

I've decided to go ahead and post a massive picspam of what's been going on in my TS3 game. There are 83(!) pictures, complete with commentary.

Adventures include Jacob offspring, double murder, pixelated nudity, an engagement, and much much more! Features Jacob, Pie Girl (my self sim), Emily, Tristan, Gelydh, Tadeusz, Mary, James, and a bunch of Random People.

[gallery this way]
27th-Jun-2009 11:05 pm (UTC)
Sims 3 Isis Starr
So many nice photos, I love all the angles and composition of these. My favourite though has to be Jacob with the teddy and the caption underneath this. I really feel sorry for that bear.
1st-Jul-2009 06:13 am (UTC)
TS3 - Sea Monster
Thanks! The bear was spared by the birth of Jonathan; it distracted Jacob from his task.
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