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This tutorial is now OBSOLETE. Please use The Texture Tweaker for all your master/slave texture needs. Trust me... it's much easier and much better all around. :)
Back in TS2, it was possible to have a set of meshes where one of them held a texture that the others all used. This cut down on file sizes and made recoloring all that more straight-forward. I'm not sure how recoloring will work with the TS3 method I've worked out here, but it definitely cuts down on file sizes. I looked everywhere trying to find information about this, but couldn't find anything. I managed to work it out after a happy accident earlier today and thought maybe the information could prove useful to someone else.
This tutorial won't teach you anything at all about actually making objects; you'll have to find other tutorials for that. You should be fairly comfortable with making objects using S3PE and S3OC as I couldn't begin to tell you how to go about this with TSRW (though apparently it's possible).
Step One:
[I failed to take a picture of this step, but it's easy enough to do.]
Make your 'master' package like you normally would. When it's all finished up and exactly how you want it, export its OBJD file. You can now set this package aside as you don't have to do anything else to it from this point on.
Step Two:
Now it's time to start working on the 'slave' packages. Make this like you normally would by doing the usual cloning and mesh replacing, only don't worry about textures. Once your new meshes are all in place, delete all the _IMG files from the package.
Step Three:
Once you've deleted those, find and delete the OBJD file.
Step Four:
Now it's time to import the master OBJD file to link its texture to the second, 'slave' mesh.
Step Five:
You'll need to change the new OBJD's instance number to match the instance number of the OBJK. Double-click on the OBJK and copy it, then double-click on the OBJD to paste.
Hit OK.
Step Six:
With the OBJD still highlighted, click on 'Grid' at the bottom of S3PE. This pulls up the data grid.
Go to the bottom and highlight 'TGI Blocks,' then click on the three dots off to the right to bring up the 'TGI Blocks List Editor.'
Scroll down until you find OBJK and highlight the instance number.
Paste the same instance number of the OBJK in your slave package, which is the same instance number you copy and pasted for the new OBJD you imported.
Hit Save, then commit.
Save your package, and your slave file should now pull its textures from the master file!
Now, like I said, I really don't know how recolors would work with this. I imagine you'd have to do something horrible like clone all the meshes, just given the way recolors work in general in TS3.
Anyway, hope it's useful.
This tutorial won't teach you anything at all about actually making objects; you'll have to find other tutorials for that. You should be fairly comfortable with making objects using S3PE and S3OC as I couldn't begin to tell you how to go about this with TSRW (though apparently it's possible).
Step One:
[I failed to take a picture of this step, but it's easy enough to do.]
Make your 'master' package like you normally would. When it's all finished up and exactly how you want it, export its OBJD file. You can now set this package aside as you don't have to do anything else to it from this point on.
Step Two:
Now it's time to start working on the 'slave' packages. Make this like you normally would by doing the usual cloning and mesh replacing, only don't worry about textures. Once your new meshes are all in place, delete all the _IMG files from the package.
Step Three:
Once you've deleted those, find and delete the OBJD file.
Step Four:
Now it's time to import the master OBJD file to link its texture to the second, 'slave' mesh.
Step Five:
You'll need to change the new OBJD's instance number to match the instance number of the OBJK. Double-click on the OBJK and copy it, then double-click on the OBJD to paste.
Hit OK.
Step Six:
With the OBJD still highlighted, click on 'Grid' at the bottom of S3PE. This pulls up the data grid.
Go to the bottom and highlight 'TGI Blocks,' then click on the three dots off to the right to bring up the 'TGI Blocks List Editor.'
Scroll down until you find OBJK and highlight the instance number.
Paste the same instance number of the OBJK in your slave package, which is the same instance number you copy and pasted for the new OBJD you imported.
Hit Save, then commit.
Save your package, and your slave file should now pull its textures from the master file!
Now, like I said, I really don't know how recolors would work with this. I imagine you'd have to do something horrible like clone all the meshes, just given the way recolors work in general in TS3.
Anyway, hope it's useful.
no subject
Date: 2010-07-09 04:37 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2010-10-24 06:57 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2010-10-24 11:01 pm (UTC)