aikea_guinea: (TS3 - Jacob - Smirk)
[personal profile] aikea_guinea posting in [community profile] club_crimsyn

I don't smoke, mostly because I cannot stand the way it smells (which is part of why I'm glad I never got around to smoking clove cigs in high school; I actually love the way those smell, and I'm sure I'd be hooked on them now). I still desperately needed cigarettes and their related clutter for one of my boys who's completely addicted to nicotine, so back in TS2 I created this set (it's on GoS somewhere). Since I've been playing TS3 again recently, I realized how much I missed it, so I spent the last two/two and a half days converting it.

All items are found under Decorative - Misc. The matches cost 2 simoleons and have six designs to choose from, the lighter costs 3 simoleons and has three designs and one castable variation, the cigs cost 7 simoleons and have two designs on six different meshes, and the ashtrays cost 12 simoleons and have four designs and one castable variation on four different meshes.

Variation 2

Variation 2

Variation 2

Variation 2

Variation 2

Variation 2

Variation 2
Variation 3

Variation 2
Variation 3
Variation 4
Variation 5
Variation 6

Variation 2
Variation 3

Variation 2
Variation 3

Variation 2
Variation 3

Scale to sim.

Do whatever you want with these as long as you're not claiming you made them or putting them on paysites of any kind. These are master/slaved, so you cannot have a slave file without the master file.

Edit: These now include four addtional brands of cigarettes not shown in this post. Please see this post for in-game pics.


Date: 2010-08-11 10:07 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] moryrie
OMG! These are awesome! Thank you! ^^

Date: 2011-09-18 12:52 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Thank you! My favourite cigarettetype is Djarum, so your "work" makes me happy. Thanks a lot again ^^)

Date: 2010-08-12 04:43 am (UTC)
jesslove: (stock --> caek!)
From: [personal profile] jesslove
These look somehow more realistic than the sims 2 versions. I'm not a fan of smoking either, but this is such lovely clutter. And the lighters are win. :D

Date: 2010-08-12 06:06 am (UTC)
jesslove: (stock --> caek!)
From: [personal profile] jesslove
Yes! I think I drooled for ten minutes when I found the picture and I had to icon it. :D And cookies = WIN.

Cigarette Clutter

Date: 2010-08-12 06:16 pm (UTC)
ext_402834: (Default)
From: [identity profile]
These are freaking amazing! Thank you

Date: 2010-08-24 02:59 pm (UTC)
bastardsofthesea: (Default)
From: [personal profile] bastardsofthesea
Wonderful, thanks again. I have a chain smoking jerk Sim, as well as a smoker Self Sim (hur...) so these are very handy.


Date: 2010-08-25 03:46 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] cici88
I don t know how to install any thing to hame please help

Please help

Date: 2010-09-22 05:29 am (UTC)
rayb_40: (pic#636103)
From: [personal profile] rayb_40
I have tried twice to download the cigs and cigs clutter, but will not show up. Can you please tell me what I may be doing wrong? I so want these in my sims3 game, because I absolutely loved them in my sims2 game. Thank you for your help. :)


Date: 2011-04-13 01:38 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
I'm having the same problem, these items won't show up in my game...I download package files all the time but I put them in my mods/Packages folder, it' not showing up.
Such a same this clutter is so lovely. T_T

Date: 2012-08-03 04:31 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
I love the thing you create they're so awesome! Finally the brands :) if you want smokeable cigs cmomoney at modthesims has a mod for that WITH cigarette packs. Just so if you want to give it a shot :)
ps: your cigarettes are SO much prettier because everything you create seems to be leveled up to perfection, but it's just for the action. and the addicted moodlets.

plain ashtrays

Date: 2012-09-27 09:27 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] ellernock
do you have any plainer ashtrays made? i want to clutter up a home with smoking stuff but they live on a different planet. u w u

Re: plain ashtrays

Date: 2012-09-27 09:46 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] ellernock
wow, dude, quick reply! if you could do that, that'd be really dang cool. i love your custom content so much it is so useful ;u; most of my sims have at least one club crimsyn item in one of their outfits. the ones i'm about to make won't be any different, for sure. thank you for putting the time into making all this stuff.

Date: 2012-10-07 04:00 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
This is amazing! I really love it. but, how can you make that all of them will be together on the table like in the last picture? I've tried and failed...

Date: 2012-10-07 11:20 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
thank you. you're great!
Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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