Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
Journal Testing; PLEASE IGNORE 
2nd-May-2009 05:46 pm
Futurama | angry with rage
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut sapien. Duis quis velit vitae sem tempus consectetur. Nunc mauris. Vestibulum fringilla lorem at tellus. Donec justo justo, mattis sed, pulvinar sed, scelerisque quis, enim. In neque odio, pretium ut, imperdiet eget, tristique vel, orci. Nunc lacinia, sapien in fermentum vestibulum, libero dui condimentum massa, ut tristique risus nulla id risus. Donec quis ligula. Duis viverra sem non erat. In sagittis mi vitae lacus. Duis nec mauris. Nulla facilisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Quisque accumsan lacinia eros. Cras ligula ipsum, auctor sed, tincidunt in, porttitor quis, arcu. Ut quis orci. Phasellus vestibulum purus quis purus. Nullam et metus sed erat venenatis laoreet. Nam id massa nec arcu congue dapibus. Cras elementum rutrum enim. Duis felis quam, dapibus at, scelerisque non, malesuada nec, lorem. Vestibulum odio. Donec purus diam, sagittis a, egestas sagittis, porta a, lacus. Cras in felis ut nunc aliquet sodales. Sed eu sapien.
2nd-May-2009 09:49 pm (UTC)
LotR | luthien tinuviel
Testing Comment
2nd-May-2009 10:03 pm (UTC)
Young Ones - Psychology & Violence
It's Capital Goth.
2nd-May-2009 10:29 pm (UTC)
MST3K | magic bitches
Yes. Yes it is.
2nd-May-2009 10:36 pm (UTC)
MST3K - Odds of Succeeding
You broke the comments page! :O
2nd-May-2009 10:39 pm (UTC)
MST3K | i'm really unappealing
It looks better like this! :P I figure it's a good idea in case we have stupid-huge pictures and whatnot, plus I was getting annoyed at the custom-comment pages.
2nd-May-2009 10:40 pm (UTC)
MST3K - Don't Tongue The Reaper
Ok, as long as it's intentional. It IS way easier to read.

Off to buy an automatic cat pan.
2nd-May-2009 10:42 pm (UTC)
MST3K | huzzah?
2nd-May-2009 10:43 pm (UTC)
Star Trek TOS - Shot of Enterprise
Is this just an excuse for us to use our many icons?
2nd-May-2009 10:45 pm (UTC)
MST3K | masters of escape!


Edited 2009-05-02 10:46 pm (UTC)
3rd-May-2009 03:52 am (UTC)
Star Trek TNG - Picard & Q
mmmmmm editing abilities...
27th-Jul-2009 04:24 pm (UTC)
So, I'm posting this aaallll the way back here because I feel like a boob for posting this in the first place. And maybe a little guilty.

How often do you guys get asked to teach people to make stuff the way you do? Probably too often to count, right? Well, add once more to it?

I know there are tons of resources out there, and I've looked at quite a few of them, but I'm retarded and learning kind of doesn't work that way for me. I'm more of a... —you point at it and I kill it dead— kind of person? Guidance is good. It's great. It's ambrosia. It's a death flower when Grim comes 'round! IT'S TESTINGCHEATSENABLED TRUE! ...kay, done with that.

There's a lot of information out there and I have no idea where to begin with it. I know I'll need an image editor [have two], TS3 [check], and some basic understanding of... the components, I guess? I'm not even sure what it is I'm asking for [guidance is slightly vague... ], but possibly a starting point? I guess something simple. Modding a shoe, maybe, so it has dangling shoe strings?

Or a point in the direction of someone who might be willing to take pity on me? :[
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