Mission 271 - Cereal Boxes
Oct. 18th, 2010 04:32 pm
aikea_guinea posting in club_crimsyn
And yet another conversion of some objects I originally made for TS2. These are two single cereal box meshes: one standing up, the other laying down.
Both meshes can be found in Decorative - Misc, cost ยง2 each, and have twelve different textures. The fallen box is slaved to the standing box.
Cereal 6
Cereal 7
Cereal 8
Cereal 9
Cereal 10
Cereal 11
Cereal 12
Standard TOU apply to these. Cereal box mesh was the basic TS2 default cereal box mesh. Argus-eyed my useful ghost did lose its mind; still they curse my former name.
And yet another conversion of some objects I originally made for TS2. These are two single cereal box meshes: one standing up, the other laying down.
Both meshes can be found in Decorative - Misc, cost ยง2 each, and have twelve different textures. The fallen box is slaved to the standing box.
Cereal 6
Cereal 7
Cereal 8
Cereal 9
Cereal 10
Cereal 11
Cereal 12
Standard TOU apply to these. Cereal box mesh was the basic TS2 default cereal box mesh. Argus-eyed my useful ghost did lose its mind; still they curse my former name.
no subject
Date: 2010-11-07 05:01 am (UTC)I don't upload my models; sorry.