aikea_guinea: (TS3 - Jacob - Growl)
[personal profile] aikea_guinea posting in [community profile] club_crimsyn

I snapped and retextured (almost) all the hairs that came with Late Night. Even if I thought the style was horrible, I retextured it anyway. There are eight female styles and five male styles. I didn't touch the buzzed male styles because they seemed good enough to me.

Replacement texture for AFBowler

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for LongBraids (I really hate this hair, but I changed the texture anyway.)

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for LongShoulder

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for MedChoppedSwept

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for LongHairBand

The original EA mesh had some bad normals (the dark shadows on the top of the hair) and horrible mapping, both of which I fixed. (Before picture has my new textures on it, as I didn't realize how bad the normals were until after I got my texture in there.)

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for UpdoPlayful

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for UpdoSophisticated

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for ShortChoppedModern

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for AMBowler

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for MedEmo

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for MedSlickedBack

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for MedStyledMessy

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EA Presets

Replacement texture for ShortSpikeyMessy (I love how this one looks from every angle but the front... Such a shame.)

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EA Presets

There are two downloads for you to choose from. One has all the replacements in a single file, while the other has them individually in case you want to pick and choose which replacements you want.

Do whatever you want with these, but keep it off paysites and don't claim the work as your own. Someone shot nostalgia in the back. Someone shot our innocence.



Date: 2010-11-09 07:28 am (UTC)
curiouscrow: (Default)
From: [personal profile] curiouscrow
Thank you! I hated using most of those hairs because of the textures! They look soooo much better!


Loved your interview in the magazine! :)

Date: 2010-11-09 11:02 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Thanks for sharing all your hard work and for the tutorial on using s3pe for merging files, helped me loads!:)

Date: 2010-11-09 03:12 pm (UTC)
fadeintoyou: (Default)
From: [personal profile] fadeintoyou
Oh my god, yes. I hoped you would do this <3 Thank you!

Date: 2010-11-09 04:08 pm (UTC)
century_eyes: (Default)
From: [personal profile] century_eyes
This is awesome. Now I can actually use these.

Do more! Do more! XD

Date: 2010-11-09 04:25 pm (UTC)
pinketamine: (Default)
From: [personal profile] pinketamine
Late night has some AWESOME hairs! I hope I can get more TS3 EPs soon, they look like a lot of fun!

Date: 2010-11-09 05:27 pm (UTC)
jesslove: (movie: resident evil: alice eyes)
From: [personal profile] jesslove
Oh my goodness, that playful updo is so cute. Damn.

Date: 2010-11-09 06:53 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Ewww! These look DAMN good. Thanks for sharing aikea! ♥♥♥

Date: 2010-11-09 07:15 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Hey wat sliders are you using for late night? none of mine are working and its driving me crazy. :(

Date: 2010-11-10 03:37 am (UTC)
ext_461741: (Default)
From: [identity profile]
I actually haven't even gone into CAS yet but with the comparison pictures your's definitely look better (Like its surprising) Thanks for sharing.

Date: 2010-11-10 03:46 am (UTC)
ext_561143: (computercat)
From: [identity profile]
After I installed the EP took me one week to actually play. XD
Don't know why, I just get stuck with my projects that I feel bored to play. ._.

Date: 2010-11-12 05:35 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile]
The first thing I thought when I saw these new hairs was dang, I hope Aikea re-textures these! Thank you, they look amazing & now I can start using them. :-)

Date: 2010-11-12 04:27 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Yes, my game matches again! Thank you

Date: 2010-11-12 10:16 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Thanks a lot for these, I like the Late Night hair meshes but the textures were horrible and yours are great. Btw is the tragus piercing available for download anywhere?


Date: 2011-05-02 01:33 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile]
I barely use any of the LN hairstyles because I really hate the textures. Thank you so much for doing this. I so appreciate this!

Date: 2011-05-26 07:18 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Hey , can these be installed if you don't have late night ?? :(

Date: 2011-07-23 07:39 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
I love all the items you've created. I've never liked the way the EA hairs looked so I rarely use them and I basically only use custom hairs for the sims I make, but I never realized how absolutely horrid they were until I looked at the EA Preset Picture after looking at your gorgeous versions!
Thank you so much for making the game even greater by fixing EA's mistakes.


Date: 2012-01-18 04:20 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
AMAZING Work!! What use to be worthless hair that I wouldn't even consider having even my fugly Sims wear is now something I can't wait to create a few more characters just to use these styles.

Date: 2012-01-19 12:16 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Well, I never said thanks for these retextures, but it's never too late right ?
I have just a problem with seeing the links under your pictures, all of them say "403 Forbidden" Why ???

But you did a great job, I actually use LN hair now thanks to you ;)

New to the Sims mods world

Date: 2013-05-11 02:21 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Hi! I have the Sims 3 base game only, given as a gift to me by a friend, and I'm pre-ordering the Island Paradise EP, but I don't have any of the others - Including Late Night.
Will these retextures work for me in this case? I know it might be a dumb question, but I really want to know. xP
Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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