Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
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30th-Sep-2009 08:50 am - Download - AM Button-down Shirt Minus Stupid Swirly Thing
TS3 - Tristan - Orange Light Profile
This was such a pathetic 'project' that it seems a bit silly to stick it on the site, but I figured I can't be the only person who wanted this changed. (Well... duh... because I was reminded that I'd tried and failed this project when the game first came out by someone asking about it on GoS.)

This is the AM Button-down shirt minus the stupid swirly thing, just like the subject says. Seems a shame that such a decent top would be ruined by something so pointless, but this is EA's fashion sense we're talking about here. These aren't default replacements; they show up just under the EA shirts.

You don't even get in-game previews! It does look nice, though.

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