aikea_guinea: (TS3 - Jacob - Crimson King)
[personal profile] aikea_guinea posting in [community profile] club_crimsyn

This is a pair of items I made exclusively for SF Magazine's Collection Issue. The hoodie is based on a hoodie from Rock Band, which I made a version of for TS2. The jeans... well... they're just some jeans with a couple different variations, some of which are more torn up than others.

Hoodie Presets
Jean Presets

For ya/a males.

Do whatever you want with these as long as you're not claiming you made them or putting them on paysites of any kind. Jeans mesh and base texture by EA, all the rest of it is by me.



^^ Only download if you don't see the jeans in your game after installing ^^

Date: 2011-08-17 04:56 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Like my fellow Anon, I've used and abused so many of your creations, and never said thank you. I'm not even sure Sims 3 would be worth playing without your creations, guys. Your updates are always the highlight of my day/week/month. Gelydh, Aikea, you're both friggen' geniuses as far as I'm concerned.

And you have rad taste in music. Yeah. I see what you keep doin' there.
Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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