Yeah, I think the preview's a bit much for a wip preview, but it didn't take long, so I guess it evens out.
Er, yeah, anyway... These are just some graphic shirts I did today, trying to get the hang of doing stencils in TS3. These are damned near ready to go, but I want to wait to release them until after I get versions of these done for teens. That involves making a default replacement teen t-shirt mesh, thus the slight delay.
Bonus Silversun Pickups shirt if anyone wants it...?
These are shown on my default replacement AM t-shirt mesh, obviously.
As for the previous wip-penisessesss, I have the new texture all set up on my default skintones, both V1 and V2, as well as the psd. However, DBCAB's mesh seems disproportionately huge to me, so I've been a bit hesitant to take previews. When I'm done with the TM t-shirt mesh, I think I'll scale it down a bit (for myself, though if anyone else wants it, I'd be happy to share).
[Also, I have another rant brewing, but I think I'll spare everyone. I'm PMSing like mad, so I'll just continue to let my annoyance and pissiness fester deep inside where it'll eventually become a mental illness. (Thanks for the replies to my previous rant, and sorry I'm being terrible with replying.)]
To me, that penis is almost humorously large. I can't explain it. Maybe it's because I've really only seen it on Jacob (because he is so fond of going around nekkid), and he's as skinny as they get, so it just seems really huge? I did notice in their screencaps it seems fine on super-fat sims.
(Yeah, I think my PMS is now completely out of control. As my friend is fond of saying, if I don't bleed soon, someone else will.)