Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
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9th-Nov-2009 04:31 pm - wip - rose 61 conversion
TS3 - Aikea Distressed
I have no idea if anyone's converted this yet, but I'm doing it anyway despite it being a serious pain in my ass to get looking right without being huge or weird or clippy. So far I've avoided 'huge' and 'weird,' and am now focusing on the 'clippy' bits.

(If I may rant for just a moment, one of my biggest pet peeves with most TS3 hairs I've come across is that they're huge. I don't need my sims to go around looking like they've spent the better part of an hour backcombing their hair.)

The preceeding pictures will get huge if clicked.

I need to do the various LODs and bone assignments still.

I'm having serious normals issues with this on lower LODs, so I'm putting it away before I throw my computer out the window. :/
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