Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
when things go wrong 
15th-Nov-2009 07:41 pm
TS3 - Jacob - Crazy

At some point today, some time between a breakfast that consisted of a pancake that was larger than my head and cider after noon that was wasn't quite real, I told [personal profile] robokitty and [ profile] century_eyes of the horror that was Things I Try To Do That Go Wrong. [personal profile] gelydh has seen these, and now I share them with the rest of you. This is what happens when I start messing around with making new sliders.

What's the point? Well... sometimes making CC calls for experimentation. Often times, those experiments go really, really wrong. Sometimes, I feel the need to share my pain.
16th-Nov-2009 04:27 am (UTC)
confused spidey

And Jacob is a bobble-head.
16th-Nov-2009 04:45 am (UTC)
confused spidey
*btw, now I'm curious what the horror of penis sliders gone wrong will look like XD
16th-Nov-2009 04:47 am (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
16th-Nov-2009 01:46 pm (UTC)

Oh, great. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight.
16th-Nov-2009 05:04 am (UTC)
Selene from Underworld
Huge erection of doom or Goatse depending on which direction the too much wrong is?

What bone would you assign that too anyway? xD
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